Business Intelligence Points to Remember While Developing JRXML By Nikhilesh Few Points Needs to Remember While Developing JRXML 1) Use .equals() comparison operator for String fields If you want to compare string fields then use .equals() function instead of == operator. In Java, the == operator compares if the objects...
Business Intelligence Remove Duplicate Values using Pentaho Kettle PDI ETL Tool By Nikhilesh How to avoid duplication of values in the columns in PDI if column names are same? Make data easy with Helical Insight. Helical Insight is the world's best open source business intelligence tool. Get your 30 Days Trail Version There...
Business Intelligence How to Disable Columns in Jasper Report Dynamically? By Nikhilesh Disabling Columns from JasperReport Dynamically We can disable columns dynamically from Jasper Report based on our requirement. Make data easy with Helical Insight. Helical Insight is the world's best open source business intelligence tool. Grab The 30 Days Free Trail...
Javascript Service in Linux By Somen Sarkar Service in Linux The service are set of programs that run as background process, so it is ready to use anytime by the users. The service gets started when the machine is rebooted automatically. How to create a Service? The...
Business Intelligence Repository Checkbox in Output Options Tab Dynamically By Nikhilesh How to uncheck Output to Repository checkbox in output options tab dynamically for job Schedule in JasperReportServer 6.2 & 6.1 Respectively. Changes for JasperServer 6.2 : We have make changes in JobModel.js which is located in the Path: <Tomcat Home>\webapps\jasperserver-pro\scripts\bower_components\jrs-ui\src\scheduler\model....
Business Intelligence WITH Clause in MDX Pentaho By Nikhilesh WITH clause in MDX In MDX queries, the WITH clause has an important role to play. WITH clauses are used to define some members which will be used in the SELECT clause for analysis purposes. The WITH clause contains either...
Front End GUI Testing and Test Cases for Web based Application By K Ramakrishna What is GUI Testing and Most common GUI Test Cases for Web-based Application: There are two types of interfaces in a computer application. 1.Command Line Interface is where you type text and computer respond to that command. 2.GUI stands for Graphical...
Business Intelligence EDI 834 – Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance By Nikhilesh EDI 834 - Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance The EDI 834 transaction set represents a Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance document. It is used by employers, as well as unions, government agencies or insurance agencies, to enroll members in a healthcare benefit...
Miscellaneous Using SSH on Windows By Nikhilesh Using SSH on windows is not possible natively like *NIX systems. The most popular way of achieving this is by using a third party client known as PuTTY. But there is an alternate way of using SSH via Powershell/CMD. For...
Business Intelligence Charts in BIRT – A Simple Chart Example By Shraddha Tambe Charts in BIRT - A Simple Chart Example In this tutorial, we will create a BIRT report with a simple Bar chart showing the monthly sales in 3 different states of the US. We will be using the same food...
Software Testing Jenkins By Somen Sarkar JENKINS What is..? Jenkins is a tool (web application ) that helps in continuous integration of projects. It is open source and has capability to manage any types of build software. Jenkins can be seamlessly integrated with any testing and...
ETL Get the Row Count in PDI Dynamically By admin Get the Row Count in PDI Dynamically Often people use the data input component in pentaho with count(*) select query to get the row counts. And pass the row count value from the source query to the variable and use...