
Posted on by By Somen Sarkar, in Software Testing | 0


What is..?

Jenkins is a tool (web application ) that helps in continuous integration of projects. It is open source and has capability to manage any types of build software. Jenkins can be seamlessly integrated with any testing and deployment environment.

Continuous Integration.

In software developement life cycle, there are various pahses of the software developement. In developement there may be checking in the code, modifying the code, testing, deployment , bug fixes etc. Continous Integration is a practise that requires developers to integrate code into a shared repository at regular intervals. The code can be checked in from various central repository such as GIT, SVN, CVS. They may be modified as per the requirements. Continious Integration is a practise that whenever a code commit occurs, the build process should be triggered.

How to get jenkins.

Jenkins can be downloaded from Then it may be run from the command line using the java -jar command. It may be put in the application container such as tomcat, jboss, weblogics etc.

Once the Jenkins application is deployed in the machine, it has to be configured with the project repository, build tool (maven, ant etc) build time, testing configuration , email configuration etc.

After the above configuration is set , Jenkins create a disk-space to store all the projects, dependencies etc in a directory ~/.jenkins (default location). We may also change the location by setting the JENKINS_HOME environment variable before launching the servlet container.


Email Notification.

Jenkins also sends the email notification when any deployment event occurs. These email feeds can be managed in the email notification area. There is a provision to configure the SMTP settings for sending out emails.



Jenkins ships in with many plugins to build project, manage project, add security, add user and organization level profile, etc We may also add plugins build for jenkins systems.

Manage Plugins screen helps to install, update and remove plugins.


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