Java Finding all the Back-Edges in an Un-Directed Graph By Nikhilesh Finding all the backedges in an undirected graph Finding cycles in a graph is an interesting problem. We say that a cycle is formed if there is a way to reach the source without visiting already visited vertices. In this...
Front End Drag and Drop in React DND By Nikhilesh DRAG AND DROP IN REACT [caption id="attachment_5391" align="aligncenter" width="300"] React DND[/caption] This is an example of implementing drag and drop functionality using React. This is the first example where we’ll use an external library, in this case, React DnD. Components...
Business Intelligence Staging DB in Data Warehousing – The WHYs and WHY NOTs By Shraddha Tambe Staging DB in Datawarehousing - The WHYs and WHY NOTs Whenever we talk about designing datawarehouses, staging database is one consideration we have to make. And it depends on many factors whether you choose to have one or not. I...
ETL What is a lookup? How is it different from the Merge Join component in Pentaho ETL? By Nikhilesh What is a lookup? How is it different from the Merge Join component in ETL? Lookup: A lookup is basically accessing data from a relational tables which are not sources in the mapping table. In SQL Terms, a lookup is...
Business Intelligence Introduction to Mango Automation(M2M) By Sayali Mahale What is Mango Automation (m2m)? Machine to Machine (M2M) refers to data communications between machines. The term also means the complexity of sensors which produce data, the communications channel which connects the sensors to a server computer and a software...
Databases Lateral Subqueries in Postgres By Nikhilesh Lateral subqueries in Postgres Postgres has feature to use value from preceding table using keyword lateral. This is used for cross-referencing. means Subqueries appearing in FROM can be preceded by the key word LATERAL. This allows them to reference columns...
Software Testing Verification and Validation in Software Testing By K Ramakrishna Verification and Validation in Software testing Before getting into the various strategies of testing we must understand the process of verifying and validating the software code. Verification and validation is the generic name given to checking processes which ensure that the software conforms to its...
Business Intelligence JSON Schema By Somen Sarkar JSON Schema What is JSON? JSON Stands for JavaScript Object Notation. This is a structure that can be used to store data as in key value pair separated by : . JSON can be used to transfer data to and...
Front End jQuery tips By Nikhilesh We often write traditional code by not knowing limitations and performance issues. In this post, I'm going to discuss few concepts of jQuery with which you can increase performance of those methods. It is always preferable not to interact with...
Business Intelligence Logout Page Customization in Jaspersoft By admin Logout Page Customization in Jaspersoft : When we click on Log out link in jaspersoft or when the session expires , it is always redirected to Jaspersoft Login...
Business Intelligence Command Line Execution and Redirection Process in Pentaho (Kettle) By Nikhilesh Command line execution in Pentaho (Kettle) : Pentaho provides two command line utility tools to execute your job/transformation from outside of spoon. Make data easy with Helical Insight. Helical Insight is the world's best open source business intelligence tool. Grab...
Business Intelligence EDI – Electronic Data Interchange Introduction By admin Introduction Standardisation is needed in every field to create uniformity. Same is the case with data exchange, Without a standard format, each company would send documents using its company-specific format and, much as an English-speaking person probably doesn’t understand Japanese,...