Command Line Execution and Redirection Process in Pentaho (Kettle)

Posted on by By Nikhilesh, in Business Intelligence, Open Source Business Intelligence, Pentaho | 0

Command line execution in Pentaho (Kettle) :

Pentaho provides two command line utility tools to execute your job/transformation from outside of spoon.

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Pan is the PDI command line tool for executing transformations.Pan runs transformations, either from a PDI repository (database or enterprise), or from a local file.

Go to PDI installation directory path and execute the jobs using the following command with Pan:

./ /file="/home/pdi/command_line_tr.ktr" /param:"name=pentaho" /param:"org_id=1" /param:"instance_id=1" /param:"batch_size=1000" /level:"Detailed" >> "home/log/command_line_test_job.log" 2>&1


Kitchen is the PDI command line tool for executing jobs.
Kitchen runs jobs, either from a PDI repository (database or enterprise), or from a local file.

Go to PDI installation directory path and execute the jobs using the following command with Kitchen:

./ /file="/home/pdi/command_line_test.kjb" /param:"name=pentaho" /param:"org_id=1" /param:"instance_id=1" /param:"batch_size=1000" /level:"Detailed" >> "home/log/command_line_test_job.log" 2>&1


Capture and redirect job execution logs to a file (Linux) :

We can also capture the execution logs using a file and it is possible to redirect the standard error and standard output with following commands.

what does 2>&1 command means in the script?

2 refers to the second file descriptor of the process, i.e. stderr.

> means redirection.

&1 means the target of the redirection should be the same location as the first file descriptor, i.e. stdout.

So this command first redirects stdout to home/log/command_line_test_job.log and then redirects stderr there as well.

what does redirection means ?

Redirection simply means capturing output from a file, command, program, script, or even code block within a script and sending it as input to another file, command, program, or script.

what does ‘>>’ operator means?

Instead of overwriting file data, you can also append text to an existing file using two subsequent greater-than signs.



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