Software Testing Exploratory and Adhoc Testing By K Ramakrishna What is Exploratory and Adhoc Testing? And Exploratory Verses Adhoc Testing. From the Testing side, two words: Exploratory and Adhoc are the most important and powerful words. Often most of the testers are confusing or feeling that both words are...
Business Intelligence Parameterized BIRT Reports By Shraddha Tambe Parameterized BIRT Reports – Simple Parameter In this tutorial, we will parameterize a simple BIRT report by adding a single select dynamic parameter to filter the report. (To learn how to create a simple BIRT report without parameter you may...
Miscellaneous CSS Box Model By admin CSS Box Model :- Cascading Style Sheets or CSS are used to design the semantics of HTML elements which are displayed on a web page. The CSS is used to set almost all visual properties like heigh, width, color, background,...
Business Intelligence How to use Angular Gauge in iReports By admin Angular gauges are essentially like the speedometer or the fuel gauge of a car. They use a radial scale to display the data range and a dial to indicate the data value. Database used:- Foodmart(Mysql) Query :- "select salary from...
Miscellaneous Foreign Data Wrapper By Nikhilesh FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER IN POSTGRE SQL FDWs allow remote access to tables or queries from various external third-party databases or file structures. It allow access from application to data that is in different database format,in a non relational...
Business Intelligence Memory Group By Vs Group By in Pentaho DI By Nikhilesh Memory Group By Vs Group By in Pentaho DI Group By and Memory Group By: These steps are useful to calculate aggregate values for the group of fields. Make data easy with Helical Insight. Helical Insight is the world's best...
Big Data JSTL SQL Tag Lib By Somen Sarkar The <sql:> tag lib in JSTL The sql tag lib helps to develop a simple jsp database application. This taglib comes in handy with dataSoursetDataSource, query, transaction and update tags The tag lib can be used by putting the following...
Front End HTML/CSS Coding Practices By Nikhilesh HTML/CSS Coding Practices A lot of coding best practices emphasize keeping code lean and well organized. The general practices within HTML are no different. The goal is to write well-structured and standards-compliant markup. The guidelines described here provide a brief...
Helical Insight Document Fragments By Nikhilesh The one of the most underrated feature of JavaScript is DocumentFragment. DocumentFragment is a DOM Node-like parent which has node-like properties/methods and is not a part of the actual DOM tree. It can be used for better performance. A DocumentFragment can...
Business Intelligence The Print When Expression By Sohail The Print When Expression The print when expression in Jasper Studio or Jasper iReport is very useful in so many requirements and it is defined as the name itself implies i.e Print /Show a String, Column and so on Based...
Big Data Mroonga(Columnar Engine) By Nikhilesh Mroonga(Columnar Engine) Database Engine is basically the software which is used for creating, Reading, Updating data in to the database management system(DBMS). Following are few database engines. Engine Name Detail InnoDB InnoDB is a storage engine for MySQL. MySQL 5.5...
Business Intelligence PDI Variable Parameter Behaviour By admin This article is specifically for those who are new to using PDI and are facing difficulty in understanding how the variables behave when being passed from one job / transformation to another job / transformation. PDI provides set variable component...