The Print When Expression

Posted on by By Sohail, in Business Intelligence, Data Visualization, Databases, ETL, Helical Insight | 0

The Print When Expression

The print when expression in Jasper Studio or Jasper iReport is very useful in so many requirements and it is defined as the name itself implies
i.e Print /Show a String, Column and so on Based on a condition passed.
Now here are some requirements on how/when we can implement The Print when expression.

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Requiremnt: Show a particular column when a parameter is selected
Here we made a parameter Called ShowLocation with values either ‘Y’ or ‘N’/blank space
now when ‘Y’ is selected then a Location column should show and when ‘N/blank space then it doesn’t show.

2 ways i did approach this:

1. I made a 2 Table Components one with the Location Column added and the other without the Location Column added.
one on top the other.
so when my parameter calls a ‘Y’ value it picks the Table with the Location Column and vice versa.

This approach is good but can be time and performance consuming

the 2nd approach was:

2. Only one Table Component was used, Opened the Table Component and selected the Column i want to restrict/show based on the parameter passed, in my scenario or requirement it is the Location column as
shown in the image below:


now i would select the cell button

Cellin the properties Tab and then Select the
Print When Expression.

Now here in the print when expression box i would write :
$P{showlocation}.equals(“Y”) as shown above


and you are good to go for a preview.
Now Let’s have to put a N or blank space in the parameter showlocation we get the following output
and now let’s pass ‘Y’ in the showlocation parameter

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So Now with this condition it will show the column when the parameter is checked in with a ‘Y’ Value.
and voila the output:



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Sohail Izebhijie.

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