Business Intelligence Cross Tabs in Pentaho Report Designer By Nikhilesh CROSSTABS in Pentaho Report Designer (EXPERIMENTAL FEATURE) Crosstabs are easy and relatively easy way to visualize tabular data along two or more axis. Crosstabs are still experimental feature, and as such are not up to mark in BI...
Business Intelligence Input Control Labels Collapsible in Jasper Server By Nikhilesh How to Make Input Control Labels Collapsible in Jasper Server Using Optional JSP We need to create our own JSP Example : lets say Optional.jsp is our jsp which should be kept under location in your jasperserver jasperreports-server-6.2.0\apache-tomcat\webapps\jasperserverpro\WEBINF\jsp\modules\inputControls In this...
Business Intelligence Dimensions in Data Warehouse By admin What are Different Types of Dimensions in DataWarehouse? What is Dimension in Datawarehouse? Anything which measure facts like time,length,status,ID,date,place,codes,flags with its description,audit and other attributes is stored in table is called as dimension. It contains the description of the buisness, without...
Business Intelligence Scheduling Jobs in Pentaho Data Integration By Nikhilesh Scheduling Jobs in Pentaho Data Integration The following are the steps to schedule a kettle job: In the main kettle job (.kjb) , there is a START icon should be there. Double click on the icon and it will pop...
ETL Merge Join Vs Stream lookup in Pentaho DI By Nikhilesh Merge Join Vs Stream lookup in Pentaho DI Merge Join: It joins two data sets which are coming from two table Inputs. In this steps the below Types of Joins are available: FULL OUTER: all rows from both sources will...
Business Intelligence Parameterized BIRT Reports Multi Select Parameter By Shraddha Tambe Parameterized BIRT Reports – Multi-Select Parameter This blog will help you add a multi-select parameter in BIRT report and filter the data. In the last blog, we parameterized a “sales report” by adding a single select parameter “store city” to...
Miscellaneous Cancelling Queries Using Jdbc API By Nikhilesh Cancelling long running queries using Jdbc API In this blog, I will share my experimentation with query cancellation timer. The objective is to cancel those queries which take a lot of time to execute. Make data easy with Helical Insight....
Databases Difference Between SQL and MDX By Nikhilesh Difference Between SQL and MDX The MDX (Multi Dimensional Expressions) syntax appears very similar to the SQL syntax and also functions somewhat similar to the way SQL performs. But there are many differences, basically conceptual differences, between SQL and MDX....
Business Intelligence Implement Rollback in Pentaho By Nikhilesh A Simple yet Effective way to implement Rollback in Pentaho What is a Rollback mechanism? In database technologies, a rollback is an operation which returns the database to some previous state. Rollbacks are important for database integrity, because they...
Data Visualization Data Visualisation Using D3 Javascript Charting Library By Krupal D3 stands for Data-Driven Documents. D3.js is a JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data. D3 helps you bring data to life using HTML, SVG and CSS. D3’s emphasis on web standards gives you the full capabilities of modern browsers. D3.js...
Databases Window Function in Postgres By Nikhilesh Window Function in Postgres Part I: Functionalities of window function -> A window function performs a calculation across a set of table rows that are somehow related to the current row. Window function does not cause rows to become grouped...
Front End Primitive Wrapper Types in JS By Nikhilesh In this post, I'm going to focus on basic concepts of JavaScript. So we are going to learn the concept of primitive wrapper types in JavaScript which is confusing to most. So, there are three primitive wrapper types and they...