Helical Insight supports a lot of datasources which could be used for data analysis purposes. Helical Insight supports all relational databases (Oracle, Postgres, MySql etc.), columnar (Greenplum, MariaDB etc.), Big data datasources (Mongo dB, Cassandra etc.) and flat files like CSV and text. A user can also fetch data from the APIs using Helical Insight. We also offer the ability to connect to more than one data source and do reporting.

Now there might be certain cases in which you might not see your database which you would like to connect and analyze. Helical Insight being a developer friendly framework, adding a new database support is also extremely simple and straightforward. All you need to do is download its JDBC driver and save it at a specific location. Then you will be able to use that datasources as well. Please get in touch with us now to know about the capabilities of the product, differentiators as compared to other BI products as well as a demo with your own data.