White Label means changing the look and feel and interface of a product to make it appear as belonging to a stack of other products by the same company. To give their end-users a seamless user experience and with branding taking centre-stage for a lot of companies using Helical Insight analytics, that’s when white labelling becomes even more important.

Unlike other BI tools, Helical Insight provides extensive white-labelling options. You can customize the Header, footer, notifications, file repository, Login page, navigation method, homepage, landing page, context menu, etc.

You can even go full-Monty and white-label the extensions of the files created using the Helical Insight platform. Being a completely browser-based product, all you need to do is to make references to CSS files or make changes in the core JSP files and you can completely revamp the entire product as per your requirement.

Get in touch to check out this remarkable feature in our product and other differentiators compared with other BI products. Schedule your demo today!