Databases Handling Rollback and Database Transactions in Pentaho Data Integration By Nikhilesh Handling Rollback and Database transactions in Pentaho Data Integration Make data easy with Helical Insight. Helical Insight is the world's best open source business intelligence tool. While inserting the data into the database table it often happens that when a...
Databases Pay Less Tax and Save More Take Home By Nikhilesh Pay Less tax and save more take home through FSA plans (Flexible Spending Account) What are the Flex plans? Flex plans also known as flexible spending account (FSA) plans. Generally, these plans allow an employee to save more take-home amount...
Databases Use of Lateral Subqueries in PostgreSQL By Nikhilesh Use of Lateral Subqueries in PostgreSQL Lateral subqueries are subqueries appearing in FROM can be preceded by the keyword LATERAL. This allows them to reference columns provided by preceding FROM items. (Without LATERAL, each subquery is evaluated independently and so...
Databases Using MDM Components in Talend By Nikhilesh Using MDM Components in Talend There are basically 2 types a component can be used in Talend. 1. Built-in Built-in is giving in all the properties of a component manually yourself. Details like Server connection details, entities, elements, xpath etc.,...
Databases SQL with Groovy By Somen Sarkar SQL with Groovy Groovy provides a handy way to handle jdbc when compared to java. Playing with database becomes very easy with groovy. To use SQL scripting with groovy we have to use the groovy.sql.Sql package. Make data easy with...
Business Intelligence Work Flow of Talend MDM By Nikhilesh Work Flow of Talend MDM Talend MDM stores and manages the master data. It also provides platform to do data modelling for the master data. Domains are called entities here. The data is stored into XML format or in sql...
Business Intelligence EDI 834 – Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance By Nikhilesh EDI 834 - Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance The EDI 834 transaction set represents a Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance document. It is used by employers, as well as unions, government agencies or insurance agencies, to enroll members in a healthcare benefit...
Business Intelligence Dimensions in Data Warehouse By admin What are Different Types of Dimensions in DataWarehouse? What is Dimension in Datawarehouse? Anything which measure facts like time,length,status,ID,date,place,codes,flags with its description,audit and other attributes is stored in table is called as dimension. It contains the description of the buisness, without...
Databases Difference Between SQL and MDX By Nikhilesh Difference Between SQL and MDX The MDX (Multi Dimensional Expressions) syntax appears very similar to the SQL syntax and also functions somewhat similar to the way SQL performs. But there are many differences, basically conceptual differences, between SQL and MDX....
Databases Window Function in Postgres By Nikhilesh Window Function in Postgres Part I: Functionalities of window function -> A window function performs a calculation across a set of table rows that are somehow related to the current row. Window function does not cause rows to become grouped...
Business Intelligence The Print When Expression By Sohail The Print When Expression The print when expression in Jasper Studio or Jasper iReport is very useful in so many requirements and it is defined as the name itself implies i.e Print /Show a String, Column and so on Based...
Big Data Mroonga(Columnar Engine) By Nikhilesh Mroonga(Columnar Engine) Database Engine is basically the software which is used for creating, Reading, Updating data in to the database management system(DBMS). Following are few database engines. Engine Name Detail InnoDB InnoDB is a storage engine for MySQL. MySQL 5.5...