Business Intelligence Using Multi-Select Parameter in Jasper By Nikhilesh Using Multi-select parameter in Jasper Make data easy with Helical Insight. Helical Insight is the world's best open source business intelligence tool. Parameters can be the filter conditions which can be applied in the data-visualizations. This blog gives...
Business Intelligence Create A Custom Table Report using Helical Insight By Sohail Create A Custom Table Report using Helical Insight (Dynamically Picking the Columns Names and Data) If you have already had a Hands-On experience on the Helical Insight Tool [HI tool] then this blog would be helpful For a creating a...
Data Visualization Happy New Year With SVG By Somen Sarkar What is SVG 1. SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics, SVG can be used to create drawing, graphics, images etc, all by using XML elements. How to draw circle in SVG In order to draw a circle using svg...
Business Intelligence Less CSS By Krupal Less is a CSS pre-processor, meaning that it extends the CSS language, adding features that allow variables, mixins, functions and many other techniques that allow us to make CSS that is more maintainable, themeable and extendable. It has also been...
Business Intelligence Remove Duplicate Values using Pentaho Kettle PDI ETL Tool By Nikhilesh How to avoid duplication of values in the columns in PDI if column names are same? Make data easy with Helical Insight. Helical Insight is the world's best open source business intelligence tool. Get your 30 Days Trail Version There...
Business Intelligence Charts in BIRT – A Simple Chart Example By Shraddha Tambe Charts in BIRT - A Simple Chart Example In this tutorial, we will create a BIRT report with a simple Bar chart showing the monthly sales in 3 different states of the US. We will be using the same food...
Business Intelligence Parameterized BIRT Reports Multi Select Parameter By Shraddha Tambe Parameterized BIRT Reports – Multi-Select Parameter This blog will help you add a multi-select parameter in BIRT report and filter the data. In the last blog, we parameterized a “sales report” by adding a single select parameter “store city” to...
Data Visualization Data Visualisation Using D3 Javascript Charting Library By Krupal D3 stands for Data-Driven Documents. D3.js is a JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data. D3 helps you bring data to life using HTML, SVG and CSS. D3’s emphasis on web standards gives you the full capabilities of modern browsers. D3.js...
Business Intelligence Parameterized BIRT Reports By Shraddha Tambe Parameterized BIRT Reports – Simple Parameter In this tutorial, we will parameterize a simple BIRT report by adding a single select dynamic parameter to filter the report. (To learn how to create a simple BIRT report without parameter you may...
Business Intelligence The Print When Expression By Sohail The Print When Expression The print when expression in Jasper Studio or Jasper iReport is very useful in so many requirements and it is defined as the name itself implies i.e Print /Show a String, Column and so on Based...
Data Visualization Data Visualisation Using C3 Javascript Charting Library By Krupal C3 is JavaScript library which builds on top of D3. D3 is also JavaScript library used to make complex visualisations. D3 is too advanced, often we just want to add a simple graph to a webpage to show some statistics....
Business Intelligence Triggers in SQL By Sohail Let's Have Fun with Triggers in SQL [wpdevart_youtube]BGJjLQr9Q2w[/wpdevart_youtube] What are Triggers? Triggers are a Block of Structure that executes when a DML Statement is performed or Executed. Triggers are fun to use but from a business point of view not...