How to install NTP Client on Ubuntu 16.04
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To install NTP Client on Ubuntu 16.04 follow below steps :
Note :To install NTP Client it have some dependency ,we need to install libopts25 package before installing NTP Client.
1.Download or use below attached libopts25 package(.deb) which supports Ubuntu 16.04
2.Keep package file at specific location and execute below command to install ibopts25 package
sudo dpkg -i libopts25_5.18.10-4_amd64.deb
The package will automatically get installed.
> You can check whether package is installed or not using below command :
dpkg –get-selections | grep libopts25
3.Next download or use below attached ntpdate(ntp client) .deb package to install NTP Client.
sudo dpkg -i ntpdate_4.2.8p4+dfsg-3ubuntu5.3_amd64.deb
The package will automatically get installed.
> You can check whether package is installed or not using below command :
dpkg –get-selections | grep ntpdate
4. Now we need to configure the NTP client to which NTP server NTP Client can access , goto server at location (/etc/default/) where we installed NTP client.
5.Open the file “ntpdate” present at location “/etc/default/” and add the ntp server which you are using mentioned below :
Server ntp-server-host-name
For Example : Server
6.Save file and check whether you are able to connect to NTP Server or not using below command :
sudo ntpdate ntp-server-name
For Example : sudo ntpdate
To Install NTP-Server on Ubuntu Server.
1.Download NTP-server from internet
2.Upload the downloaded file on ubuntu server.
3.Execute the below command to install the downloaded package
sudo dpkg -i ntp_4.2.8p4+dfsg-3ubuntu5.3_amd64.deb
Make data easy with Helical Insight.
Helical Insight is the world’s best open source business intelligence tool.
4.Once the installation will complete, we can check the NTP daemon is running or not by using below command
ps -aef | grep ntpd

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Hope it helps 🙂
Thanks ,
Sayali | Helical IT Solutions