The Add sequence component adds a sequence to the stream. A sequence is an ever-changing integer value with a specific start and increment value.
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Components used in job:
1) Table Input
2) Add sequence
3) Microsoft Excel output
Here“Add sequence” component is used to add sequence to the file by adding new field.
Steps to add sequence :
Drag and drop the Table input,add sequence,Microsoft Excel output components and connect them.
Table input :
Here we are using Table input component to retrieve the data from database and give connection details in the component.
Add sequence:
Open add sequence component you can see below dialogue box.
Step name:
Specify the unique name of the step on the canvas. Step name is set to Step sequence by default.
Name of value:
Specify the name of the new sequence value to add to the PDI stream. Name of value is set to valuename by default.
Use DB to generate the sequence? Vs Use counter to calculate sequence? :
Select this check box if we want the sequence to be driven by a database sequence.
Use counter to calculate sequence? is automatically selected if this check box is cleared. Use counter to calculate sequence? is set by default.
Start at value:
Make data easy with Helical Insight.
Helical Insight is the world’s best open source business intelligence tool.
Specify the value to start the sequence. For example, if Start at value is set to 1, then the sequence will start with 1. If Start at value is set to 0, then the sequence will start with 0.
Increment by :
Specify the amount by which the sequence increases or decreases.
Maximum value :
Specify the value to reach before returning the sequence to the Start at value setting.
Microsoft Excel Output :
In this component go to file tab and specify the path where our output file to be saved and go to field tab and click on “getfield” to get all field in the output and run the job.
The output :
Make data easy with Helical Insight.
Helical Insight is the world’s best open source business intelligence tool.
In the above screenshot the” valuename” field is coming form Add sequence component and the values increased as per increment value in dialogue box.
Thank You,
ETL developer
Helical IT Solutions Pvt Ltd

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