Helical’s Expertise of Jaspersoft Embedding into custom application

Are you a product company and looking to use the analytical capabilities of Jaspersoft within your product/webapp/mobile app? Leverage our expertise on embedding Jaspersoft inside your product.

We provide four different methods of embedding. Based upon your requirement and the kind of Jaspersoft version you have chosen, any of these methods can be used:

  • iFrame method of embedding
  • Visualize.js method of embedding
  • Webservices method of embedding
  • Jasper libraries method of embedding

Visualize.js method of embedding is only present in the paid version of Jaspersoft (i.e. professional or enterprise version) whereas the other three methods of integration are present in all the versions of Jaspersoft.

Besides embedding, we could also help in implementing SSO (single sign on). With single sign on implemented, as soon as a user logs in to your application, the user will automatically be logged into Jaspersoft as well with the entire data security intact. Hence, for an end user, it will be a very seamless experience as he will not have to log in separately and with a single login he will be able to access everything.