Helical’s code level Expertise on Jaspersoft for custom implementation

Jaspersoft is an open source product. It comes with many features but there are also cases and functionalities which cannot be implemented directly via the UI. We at Helical have not only built solutions but also implemented such out-of-the-box functionalities which are not available directly from Jaspersoft BI.

Some of the examples of our work in adding core functionalities on top of Jaspersoft by custom coding are:

  • Impementing multi-tenancy in Jaspersoft professional edition – Jaspersoft professional edition does not support multi-tenancy.
  • However, few of our clients sought it and we implemented them. Clients for whom we performed such works include the like of Franconnect, Sagence Learning, Sage Human Capital, etc.
  • Jaspersoft, by default, does not support Google Earth integration. For one of our energy customer, we integrated Google Earth with various customizations. Other clients include EMNS, Vortecy, etc.
  • Way back in 2014, we integrated various D3 charts (sankey chart, dayhour chart, calendar chart, chord diagram) inside Jaspersoft for one of our earliest customers – CA Technologies.
  • Mondrian cube extension
  • Building a support for new data source not directly available.
  • Custom application building on top of Jaspersoft – Example includes building a registration page which automatically triggers user creation inside Jaspersoft along with sharing a prebuilt dashboard.

Feel free to reach out to us if you have a requirement of something specific that you would like to implement on Jaspersoft which is not a core feature of Jaspersoft. We can help you implement it.