Posted on by By Nikhilesh, in Data Visualization, Front End, Javascript | 0


DWR, or Direct Web Remoting, is a Java open source library that helps developers write web sites that include Ajax technology. It is a RPC library which makes it easy to call Java functions from JavaScript and to call JavaScript functions from Java.

How it works?
It consists of two main parts:
• Code to allow JavaScript to retrieve data from a servlet-based web server using Ajax principles.
• A JavaScript library that makes it easier for the web site developer to dynamically update the web page with the retrieved data.
Basically, it converts the java class (which was configured in dwr.xml) to JavaScript so that we can easily access any function written on server side java at front-end side.
Why to use DWR ?
DWR has a number of features like call batching, marshalling of virtually any data-structure between Java and Javascript (including binary file uploading and downloading), exception handling, advanced CSRF protection and deep integration with several Java server-side technologies like Spring and Guice.
How to implement?
To implement DWR in your spring Application
1. You need to first download the DWR jars. (dwr.jar and apache.commons.log.jar)
2. Put these jars into your jar folder.
3. Create new configuration file (dwr.xml) at the same place where web.xml is present.
4. Define dwr.xml in web.xml file, so that jvm understand the flow of execution.

<display-name>DWR Servlet</display-name>


5. Then mention which java file you want to access on your frontend and vice versa.

<create creator=”new” javascript=”HorizontalMenu”>
<param name=”class” value=”samples.HorizontalMenu” />


6. Create your java page (Servlet page)and write whatever the business logic you want.
7. Create your front end page , and add your servlet page as js file(which you configured in your dwr.xml file)
Some important link:-
1. https://www.packtpub.com/books/content/dwr-java-ajax-user-interface-basic-elements-part-1
2. http://java-x.blogspot.in/2007/03/reverse-ajax-with-direct-web-remoting.html
3. http://www.javaworld.com/article/2071890/web-app-frameworks/ajax-made-simple-with-dwr.html
4. http://www.jitendrazaa.com/blog/java/jsp/step-by-step-dwr-application-simple-ajax-in-java/

Pushpraj Kumar
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