Front End Destructuring in ES2015 By Nikhilesh Destructuring in ES2015 Destructuring is a new way to extract values from nested objects and arrays. It was introduced as a part of ES2015 a.k.a ES6, which is new standard for ECMAScript. This blog post describes how it works with...
Front End Vertical Align – CSS By Nikhilesh CSS has a property called vertical align. It can be a bit confusing when you first learn about it, so I thought we could go through its use a little bit. The basic usage is like this: img { vertical-align:...
Front End Introduction to Design Patterns By Nikhilesh Introduction to Design Patterns Design Patterns In software engineering, a design pattern is a general repeatable solution to a commonly occurring problem in software design. A design pattern isn't a finished design that can be transformed directly into code. It...
Business Intelligence How to Customize Bootbox.js Prompt Options By Nikhilesh There is bootbox.dialog if we want to customize bootbox modal. The only change that goes is to change the message string. In bootbox.dialog, the message doesn't have to be plain text. It can be HTML too. And hence it can...
Front End 3 Types Of Web Application Architecture By Nikhilesh 3 Types Of Web Application Architecture First, we'll define a web application: It is a client-server application - there is a browser (the client) and a web server. The logic of a web application is distributed among the server and...
Data Visualization DWR By Nikhilesh DWR (DIRECT WEB REMOTING) Introduction DWR, or Direct Web Remoting, is a Java open source library that helps developers write web sites that include Ajax technology. It is a RPC library which makes it easy to call Java functions from...
Front End Responsive SVG Charts By Nikhilesh Making D3 charts responsive D3.js is one of the most popular JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data and creating charts. There many examples available on the website but none of them are responsive. And with advent of responsive...
Front End How Bootstrap Grid Works By Nikhilesh How Bootstarp grid works (continued) In the last article, we had a look at the container, rows, columns and nesting. Now we are going to cover offset, push and pull. Offset Usually the columns come one after the other, but...
Front End How Bootstrap Grid Works By Nikhilesh How Bootstarp grid works Twitter bootstrap is one of the most well-known frontend framework out there on the web. It is very easy to get started with and can greatly speed up one's workflow. It's a great tool to quickly...