Miscellaneous Resizing a Amazon AWS EC2 EBS-backed Instance By Shraddha Tambe Resizing a Amazon AWS EC2 EBS-backed Instance This blog talks about changing the instance type (or machine size) of your EBS-backed Instance, using the AWS management console. It is a very simple process – Stop your running instance Once stopped,...
ETL Multi valued column processing using Talend Open Studio By Nikhilesh Multi valued column processing using Talend Introduction Now days, source data files which are exported from the different database structures are having multiple fields in single column. These fields need to be extracted and processed independently and need to be...
Business Intelligence Adding New Chart in Helical Insight By Nikhilesh Adding new chart in Helical Insight 1) Adding the Pie Chart in Helical Insight:- Please note this blog will help you in adding chart at EFW level and not at frontend Adhoc interface level. helical insight uses D3 (Data-Driven Documents)...
Miscellaneous Spring Security By Nikhilesh Spring Security Spring provides a configurable framework for implementing authentication and authorization for an application. The security framework provides ways to login and logout from an application. It also provides authentication at view level and method level. It can also...
Business Intelligence Overview of Jasper Server Authentication & Authorization By Nikhilesh Overview of Jasper Server Authentication & Authorization In Jaspersoft Reports Server, access control is determined by two separate mechanisms, authentication and authorization. Authentication is the process of verifying user credentials to give access to the server. Authorization is the process...
Miscellaneous Important Time Stamp Command (LINUX) By Nikhilesh TIMESTAMP A timestamp is a sequence of characters or encoded information identifying when a certain event occurred, usually giving date and time of day, sometimes accurate to a small fraction of a second. A timestamp is the current time of an event that is...
Business Intelligence Adding Images to html in Jaspersoft Reports By Nikhilesh In my last blog post I discussed about Generating jasper reports in different formats using json file as a data source.You can find my last post here. In this blog article I will discuss about exporting the jasperPrint object in...
Business Intelligence BI Solution For Property and Casualty Insurance Domain By Nikhilesh A BI solution will help an insurance company to get a holistic 360 degree view of customers, issues faced. Helical has got immense experience in developing BI solution in Property and casulaty insurance domain. Having built more than 50 reports,...
Javascript JavaScript Inheritance By Nikhilesh JavaScript Inheritance In my last post, I covered JavaScript Classes and now, I'll continue with inheritance. JavaScript uses prototypal inheritance in contrast to classical. When a class is instantiated, it's prototype is stored in __proto__ key of the object, which...
Business Intelligence Deploy jar file in jasperserver without restarting service By Nikhilesh Option 1 - If you want to use your Jar in a several reports. You should "Add Jar" (as it called in iReport repository manager) to some folder in the Jasper Server folder tree. Then "Add reference" to this resource...
Business Intelligence Steps to migrate oracle with pentaho By Nikhilesh Step 1:- Run script as DB admin. Script is available in location:- biserver-ce\data\oracle10g. Modify configuration file:- applicationContext-spring-security-hibernate.properties. Location:- pentaho-solutions\system\applicationContext-spring-security-hibernate.properties. original code:- jdbc.driver=org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver jdbc.url=jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:9001/hibernate jdbc.username=hibuser jdbc.password=password hibernate.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect Modified code:- dbc.driver=oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver jdbc.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521/sysdba jdbc.username=hibuser jdbc.password=password hibernate.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect hibernate-settings.xml Location:- pentaho-solutions\system\hibernate\hibernate-settings.xml. Original code <config-file>system/hibernate/hsql.hibernate.cfg.xml</config-file> Modified...
Business Intelligence Facebook SSO With Liferay By admin Here, I am going to explain how to authenticate liferay, through facebook login. Let me walk you through steps below: STEP-1 You first have to have a facebook application account. If you don’t have, create it. You can get more...