Front End Vertical Align – CSS By Nikhilesh CSS has a property called vertical align. It can be a bit confusing when you first learn about it, so I thought we could go through its use a little bit. The basic usage is like this: img { vertical-align:...
Business Intelligence Create Multiple Sudo Users to EC2 Amazon Linux By Nikhilesh Create multiple sudo users to EC2 Amazon Linux Let’s say if an organization of 5 people going to access same server and sharing the same private key / password between users is not a good idea. This post helps...
Business Intelligence Staffing Recruitment Analytics Solution By Nikhilesh Staffing Analytical Solution Recruitment is a process through which a suitable candidate is hired for the job. The process is being conducted by HR of the company itself or company hires third party HR firm for the process. HR firm...
Big Data Map Reduce in Hadoop By admin Map Reduce in Hadoop : It is designed for processing large volume of data in parallel. It is an execution model in hadoop framework which is sub-divided into two separate phases : Mapper phase, Reducer Phase Mapper Phase : During...
Business Intelligence Importance of Business Intelligence in Travel Industry By shailaja Importance of Business Intelligence in Travel Industry The travel industry is highly complex with multiple players and systems interacting with each other on real time basis for the smooth functioning of the business. The various players and systems include Travel...
Business Intelligence Pentaho Analysis: Workflow By Nikhilesh OLAP Analysis: Workflow To prepare data for use with the Pentaho/Jaspersoft OLAP Analysis (and Reporting, to a certain extent) client tools, you should follow this basic workflow : Design a Star or Snowflake Schema The entire process starts with a...
Big Data Introduction To Big Data & Hadoop By admin Introduction To Big Data & Hadoop : Big data is the data produced by different applications , like social networking sites,transport sites,search engines etc . Big data meaning Variety of data Structured Eg : RDBMS etc. Semi structured Eg :...
Business Intelligence Introduction to SpagoBI By Nikhilesh Introduction to SpagoBI SpagoBI allows to produce reports using structured information views (lists,tables, crosstabs, graphs) and it allows the multidimensional analysis through OLAP engines, which are more flexible and user-friendly, compared to structured reports overall architecture is composed of five...
Business Intelligence CUBES By Nikhilesh Cubes The data structures used in the OLAP are multidimensional data cubes or OLAP cubes: An OLAP cube is a multidimensional database that is optimized for data warehouse and online analytical processing (OLAP) applications. An OLAP cube is an array...
Miscellaneous What is DevOps in SDLC? By Nikhilesh What is DevOps in SDLC? Make data easy with Helical Insight. Helical Insight is the world's best open source business intelligence tool. There are lots of opinions about what is covered under DevOps and what’s not. Is it a culture?...
Miscellaneous Alfresco 5.0d Community Installation By Nikhilesh Alfresco Community Installation using Setup Wizard: Downloaded the following file from the Alfresco website and installed it on my windows 8.1 machine. Setup file name : alfresco-community-5.0.d-installer-win-x64.exe And following are the configuration details : Default language : English Installation Type...
Data Visualization Screenshot Using PhantomJS on the Server Side By Nikhilesh Login to a website and take screenshot using PhantomJS on the server side In this blog I will discuss about taking screenshots using PhantomJS by logging in to a site and taking screenshot a particular link or URL. I am...