Business Intelligence Beginners Guide to Understanding Cross Join By Sohail Beginners Guide to Understanding Cross Join In my previous Beginners Guide we talked about Types of joins i.e. Inner Join, Left and Right Join but today we will be talking about cross join which happens to be more interesting to...
Java Getters and Setters of JavaScript for a Java Programmer By Nikhilesh Getters and Setters of JavaScript for a Java Programmer In this blog article I will discuss about an important feature of JavaScript - property Getters and Setters. Getters and Setters help you to achieve data encapsulation. The write up is...
Business Intelligence Why build a Data Warehouse? By Shraddha Tambe Often when we talk about implementing BI, the first thing we need to look at is how and where is the data? Is it scattered? Is it easy to report on? With this we often need to know if...
Business Intelligence Switch Data Source Based on user logged in Jasper Server By Nikhilesh Switch Datasource based on user logged in Jasper Server This tutorial shows you how to switch two different jdbc datasource using custom datasource in jasper server. Cosider you have two jdbc datasource in jasper server and you want to select...
Business Intelligence Beginners Guide in Understanding Different Types of Joins By Sohail INNER JOINS When we decide that one table won't be enough for getting our desired output then we try to attach one more table to the existing table is known as JOINS. Now Inner Joins in other words is doing...
Front End Getting Started with gulp By Nikhilesh Getting Started with gulp While working on a project, one is bound to have a bunch of repetitive tasks such as testing, minification, compiling less/sass/templates, etc., because we are humans, we are bound to make mistakes at one point or...
Miscellaneous Roles and Permissions in Liferay By admin Roles and Permissions in Lifeary Role is a collection of permissions. In liferay, We can create role and assign this particular role to any user. After assigning, this user will inherit all the assigned permissions. There are different kind of...
Databases Analytical Functions in MySQL By admin Analytic function syntax : Analytic_function(argument) OVER (PARTITION BY argument ORDER BY argument); Where argument : column name Analytic functions operate on subsets of rows, similar to aggregate functions in GROUP BY queries, but they do not reduce the number of rows returned by the query. Eg :Lets...
Business Intelligence Implementing Loops in Pentaho Data Integration By Nikhilesh Issues while implementing loops in Pentaho Data Integration Generally for implementing batch processing we use the looping concept provided by Pentaho in their ETL jobs. The loops in PDI are supported only on jobs(kjb) and it is not supported in...
Business Intelligence Using Parameters in iReport By admin USING PARAMETERS IN iREPORT Most basic knowledge any new learner would have of word parameter -“ parameter is a limit or boundary which defines the scope of a particular process or activity ”. And technically we can define it...
Business Intelligence Batch Process Implementation in Kettle By Nikhilesh Batch Process Implementation in Kettle (Pentaho Data Integration) In order to implement the batch process we needs to have the looping logic. But I did not find any component or suitable method in kettle to create those loops. Make data...
Miscellaneous How to Write a Blog By admin We all think that we should share our hard earned knowledge with others. This has never been easier with the onset of the Internet and the magical facility of BLOGGING. Now all one needs to do is set up a...