Visualize.js – The Input Controls API
In my first blog about visualize.js, we looked at the basics, a small introduction of the API with example. The example covered 3 basic things – authentication, report rendering and sending parameters to the report. In this blog, I am planning to look into the API for the Input Controls, as those are one of the basic building blocks of the reports. What information about the input controls can we access through this API? How can it be utilized to render/display similar input controls on the embedded report?
Let’s explore this with an example –
I am taking the same report as from the previous blog as an example. It is a simple report which displays Product Sales for a selected store. It has 2 input controls – ‘State’ (id : ip_state) and ‘StoreID’(id: ip_storeid). The ‘StoreID’ cascaded on ‘State’.
Visualize.js API to access the input controls
The API gives you all the input controls defined on the report along with its metadata information including the reference to cascaded input controls, both parent/children.
API to access input controls on a report looks like
visualize({auth: {...}}, function (v) {
var inputControls = v.inputControls({
resource: "/public/MyReports/Test1",
success: renderInputControls
resource – is the uri of the report for which the input controls are to be fetched.
params – provide parameter values for the input controls. This is in case of cascaded input controls, you may want to provide a specific value for input parameter for the cascaded control.
In our example above, we have passed the value for ‘State’ as “WA” and the ‘StoreID’ input control will utilize this parameter value and return the values accordingly.
What information about the input controls can we access through this API? – The input controls Array
The response to this API is a JSON Array which is an array of Input control objects. Each object gives information for a single input control. Below is the response for the sample report –
"inputControl" : [{
"id" : "ip_storeid",
"type" : "singleSelect",
"uri" : "repo:/public/MyReports/Test1_files/ip_storeid",
"label" : "Store ID",
"mandatory" : false,
"readOnly" : false,
"visible" : true,
"masterDependencies" : ["ip_state"],
"slaveDependencies" : [],
"state" : {
"uri" : "/public/MyReports/Test1_files/ip_storeid",
"id" : "ip_storeid",
"options" : [{
"selected" : false,
"label" : "---",
"value" : "~NOTHING~"
}, {
"selected" : false,
"label" : "Store 2",
"value" : "2"
}, {
"selected" : true,
"label" : "Store 17",
"value" : "17"
}, {
"id" : "ip_state"....
"masterDependencies" : [],
"slaveDependencies" : ["ip_storeid"],
How can it be utilized to render/display similar input controls on the embedded report?
In the example below, I have utilised the “Options” in the API response object to display in a selection list in my HTML page. The renderInputControls() is defined as a “success” callback in the “inputControls()” API call. The report() function is invoked to render the report with default parameters.
HTML Code:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript " src="http://localhost:8081/jasperserver-pro/client/visualize.js "></script>
<div id="container ">Embedded a Sample Report</div>
<select id="stateselector"></select>
<select id="storeidselector"></select>
<div id="testreport"></div>
JavaScript Code
visualize({ auth: {..}}, function (v) {
var inputControls = v.inputControls({
resource: "/public/MyReports/Test1",
success: renderInputControls
var report ={
resource: "/public/MyReports/Test1",
container: "#testreport",
params: {"ip_state":["WA"], "ip_storeid": ["17
$("#stateselector").on("change", function () {
inputControls.params({ "ip_state":[$(this).val()] })
.run(function (data){renderInputControlStoreID(data);});
$("#storeidselector").on("change", function () {
report.params({"ip_state":[$("#stateselector").val()],"ip_storeid": [$(this).val()]}).run();
function renderInputControls(data) {
function renderInputControlState(data) {
var stateInputControl = _.findWhere(data, {id: "ip_state"});
var select = $("#stateselector");
_.each(stateInputControl.state.options, function (option) {
select.append("" + option.label + "");
function renderInputControlStoreID(data) {
var storeidInputControl = _.findWhere(data, {id: "ip_storeid"});
var select = $("#storeidselector").empty();
_.each(storeidInputControl.state.options, function (option) {
select.append("" + option.label + "");
Cascading the input controls
In above example, the function defined on change of “stateselector”, refreshes the “storiedselector” by invoking “inputControls.params()” with new value of “ip_state” to get new values for “ip_storeid”. It then invokes “renderInputControlStoreID()” to render new values in “storeidselector”.
Refreshing the Report with the new parameters
In the example, the function defined on change of “storeidselector” refreshes the report. It invokes the “report.params()” function of visualize.js with new parameter values.
Though this example is not a very good one, it covers the basic flow. The information in the API could be utilized much more effectively to dynamically embed and cascade the input controls in your native page.
Hope this gives you a good start-off though!!
1) JS fiddle for the example in the report
– Shraddha
Helical IT Solutions

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