Talend connection with SQL Server using Windows Authentication

Posted on by By Nikhilesh, in Business Intelligence, Databases, ETL, Talend | 0

Setting up SQL Server connection using Windows Authentication with Talend Open Studio

SQL Server database connection from talend is straight forward. But when the database is setup with windows authentication, the conventional method does’t work. Talend is yet to find out independent method to connect automatically with Windows Authentication method. When trying to connect from Talend to SQL Server database using Windows Authentication, following steps are to be followed – Windows authentication does not need any username and password, so keep the fields blank while creating metadata in the repository.

Download jtds-1.3.1-dist.zip from the website –

  • Unzip and copy \jtds-1.3.1-dist\x86\SSO\ntlmauth.dll file to Windows\System32 folder (for 32 bit OS)
  • Copy \jtds-1.3.1-dist\x86\SSO\ntlmauth.dll file to Program Files\jdk\jre\bin folder (for 32 bit OS)
  • Unzip and copy \jtds-1.3.1-dist\x64\SSO\ntlmauth.dll file to Windows\System32 folder  (for 64 bit OS)
  • Copy \jtds-1.3.1-dist\x64\SSO\ntlmauth.dll file to Program Files\jdk\jre\bin folder (for 64 bit OS)

Restart Talend and test database connection without username and password.

Note – if by mistake if you interchange (32 bt vs 64 bit) the ntlmauth.dll file, then Talend would through exception.

This configuration will solve errors related to SSO.


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