Drill Down Report: Passing parameters from main report to the drill down report in Jasper Server
While we create a report using an Ad-hoc view, there are times when we use Drill down reports in the Dashboard. Drill down report has to have a main report linking to it or a parent report. When the main report generates the result ,upon clicking on the part of the result,the drill down report should take the appropriate parameters to show the actual results.
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Following are the steps to follow to ensure the parameters are passed properly from parent report/main report to the drill down report.
The image below is our parent report:
Now the above report has Year and Group as a filter that has to be passed to the drill down report as a parameter. When clicked on any of the bar from march the month parameter should pass to the drill down report as a month parameter along with the Year and group parameter.
The image shown below is the drilled down report for the month of may,year and group taken from the parent report.
To link both the reports, mention the hyperlink of the child report under properties option, link the parameters.
Link the parameters in the hyperlink box with the respective filters/field names as shown below:
http://testjasper/jasperserver-pro/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&standAlone=true&ParentFolderUri=/Group_Health_Sample/Domain&reportUnit=/Group_Health_Sample/Domain/Participant_Details_Report&Billing_Month_1=$P{Billing Month}&Coverage_Category_1=$P{Coverage Category}&$P{ “Billing_Year_1=”,Billing_Year_1,”&”}$P{ “group_name_1=”,group_name_1,”&”}
Make data easy with Helical Insight.
Helical Insight is the world’s best open source business intelligence tool.
By doing this now we have linked the parent report with the drill down report.

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When i am passing parameter in main report hyperlink and when click on chart gives error resource is not accessible and don load the drill down report. Can you please help me to solve this.