Installing Jasper Server in AWS EC2 / LINUX

Posted on by By Nikhilesh, in Business Intelligence, Jaspersoft, Open Source Business Intelligence | 0

Things we need to find out before installing Jasperserver in AWS EC2 / Linux.

1)      Identifying whether your CPU is a 64bit or not. Use below command to find it

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uname –m

Our CPU is a 64 bit.


2)      Identify whether Jasperserver default port 8080 is open or not? Below command helps you to identify it.

netstat -an | grep 8080| grep LISTEN


If nothing has not returned, then your port 8080 is free to use.

Installing Jasperserver

3)      Created a folder Helical and Jasperserver under home.



4)      Downloaded Jasperserver 30-days trial from here

File name:


Command used to download:



If you face an Error saying “ -bash: wget: command not found.” Then it means wget package is not installed. Installed wget package using


yum install wget


Repeat wget command again.


5)      Downloaded “” under the location “/home/Helical/Jasperserver”.


Apply chmod 777 for the downloaded file

It was confirmed that port 8080 is not in use with any other process. Thus i am going forward with Jasperserver installation as


Results of each step:

A)     Welcome to the JasperReports Server 5.5 Setup Wizard and its License Agreement. Do as it says and finals asks you to accept the license or not.

Press [Enter] to continue :

Reading the agreement

Accepting the License (y/n): Y

B)      It asks you to select the option of installation (Install All or Custom). If it is for the first time Installation select first option.

Please choose an install option below:

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Helical Insight is the world’s best open source business intelligence tool.

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[1] Install All Components and Samples  (requires disk space of: 1.3 GB)

[2] Custom Install

Please choose an option [1] : 1

Jasper installation AWS 3

C)     It asks you to select a folder to install. By default it takes “/opt/jasperreports-server-5.5”

Jasper installation AWS 2

Press Enter simple Instead saying Yes(Y).

D)     It asks you to confirm the Installation by Continuing. Say (Y)

Do you want to continue? [Y/n]: Y

Jasper installation AWS

Start Your Jasperserver from the place you have installed it. Here the Jasperserver installed path is “/home/Helical/Jasperserver/y”.

Starting Jasperserver:

You can start the jasperserver in any one of the way sh start (or)  ./ start

Check the Status of the Service:

sh status

Once again the check the port number 8080 is engaged or not.

By default jasperserver uses Postgres Database thus from this installation even postgres DB will also be available on Port Number 5432 in your machine. No need to install it explicitly.

Location of Postgres: “/home/Helical/Jasperserver/y/postgresql/bin”

Now you must be able to access the Jasperserver from “ipaddress:8080/jasperserver-pro”. If not able to access it Check whether 8080 is configured to access TCP/IP incoming and outgoing in iptables.

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Helical Insight is the world’s best open source business intelligence tool.

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Edit iptables as root user using vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables


Add a rule saying


-A INPUT -p tcp -m state –state NEW -m tcp –dport 8080 -j ACCEPT


Now you must be able to access the Jasperserver.


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