How to connect Jasper Soft Studio With Trino

Posted on by By admin, in Jaspersoft | 0

Download Trino JDBC driver

– You can download the Driver from official site of the trino

How to connect Jasper Soft Studio With Trino

Create a new Data Adapter In Jasper

Using the Database JDBC Connection

How to connect Jasper Soft Studio With Trino

Add the jar file on the Driver Classpath page

How to connect Jasper Soft Studio With Trino

Put the relevant details in the Database Location page


  • io.trino.jdbc.TrinoDriver is not available on the drop down box so it should be typed
  • jdbc:trino://host:port/catalog
  • Now type the user name and the password
  • Now test the connection of the trino

How to connect Jasper Soft Studio With Trino

Now you can create you report using this connection

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