Introduction to Groovy

Posted on by By Somen Sarkar, in Helical Insight, Java, Miscellaneous | 0

Groovy Language

  • Groovy can run on JVM
  • Groovy scripts can be executed using groovy jar file.
  • Annotations are supported in groovy.

Groovy installation.

  • Binary download link
  • The binary can be run from command prompt
  • Set GROOVY_HOME, GROOVY_HOME\bin variable as enviroment variable.
  • After installing and running in the command line you get the groovy shell(groovysh).
  • groovy> println ” hello helical”

Source code in groovy.

  • The extension for groovy source file is .groovy
  • We can write either script or we may also encapsulate the code as class definition inside this file.
  • By default groovy class is subclassed by java.lang.Object.
  • Java class and its objects can access groovy script class and object and vice versa.
  • Using groovyc we can compile the source code.
  • Plain Old Groovy Objects (POGO).

Intersting facts about groovy.

  • Groovy doesnot require ; at the end of statement.
  • Last expression of the method is returned by default. So we may not explicitly use return keyword.
  • Maps, list and regular expression readily available in groovy.
  • The following package are readily available. (groovy.lang.*, groovy.util.* , java.lang.*, j ava.util.*,*,*, java.math.BigInteger, java.math.BigDecimal)
  • Its classes and methods are by-default public
  • Automatic getter and setter is created for the fields in groovy class.
  • Unlike java == operator in groovy checks for contents.
  • The is() may be used to check if two variables/object refer the same.
  • The parameters inside a function are optional.
  • Gpath is expression language to evaluate nested structure.

Data types in Groovy.

    • The keyword def is used to define variable. We can also use specific type for variable declaration. Example int marks, String company. etc
    • Range data type is a Collection. Ranges consists of two values separated by two dots.
for (i in 0..9) {
  println ("Hello $i")

assert 'L'..'P' == ['L', 'M', 'N', 'O','P']

String & Gstring.

  • ‘Strings may be enclosed inside single quote ‘.
  • “Mehod() calls and ${variable} substitution inside a string is known as Gstring”.
  • ”’Tripple single quotes can be used for multi line string”’
  • “”” Multi line Gstring can be enclosed in tripple quotes”””
  • /regularexpression/

Methods in Groovy.

  • Groovy supports operator overloading. – operator can be used to substract string, << can be used for string concatination.
  • Groovy string has .toUrl() method that can be directly used to convert a string to Url encoding string.



package packageName
class ClassName {
  static void main(def args){
    def hetroList= [1,2,"hi","45"]
    hetroList.each{ println it }

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