Groovy Helpful Tips
Here are some useful information when using groovy
Single Line comment in Groovy
// We can comment using // in groovy as in Java.
Multi Line comment in Groovy
/* Multi-line comment style is same as in Java */
Documentation comment in Groovy
* Similar to Java commenting Style
Shebang style is helpful when running Groovy script directly from linux system
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
as and trait are keyword in Groovy
”’ Triple quoted string help to write strings in multiple line eg.
def multiLineString = ”’
line one
line two
line three
String interpolation
def name = ‘Helical’ // a plain string
def greet = “Hello ${name}” //This will result in Hello Helical
List in groovy.
by default list are ArrayList
def numbers = [1, 2, 3]
To define a Linked List
def linkedList = [2, 3, 4] as LinkedList //Note the usage of as keyword
To define map
def capitalInfo = [state: ‘Delhi’, district: ‘South Delhi’, pin: ‘110019’]
capitalInfo[‘metroStation‘] = ‘Nehru Place’ //adds a new key in the map
Elvis operator
The “Elvis operator” is a shortening of the ternary operator.
userName = ? : ‘Guest’ //classic way
userName = ?: ‘Guest’ //elvis way

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