Creating a Project in SpagoBI Studio

Posted on by By Nikhilesh, in Business Intelligence, Data Visualization, Databases, Open Source Business Intelligence | 0

Creating a project in SpagoBI Studio

SpagoBI Studio is an eclipse based BIRT reporting software and creating a project in SpagoBI studio is very much easy and recommended too as all our reports / documents will be organized in better way

Let’s start creating a project in SpagoBI Studio:

  1. Start SpagoBI studio
  2. Click File > New and select Project.
  3. Search for Report Project under (Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools).
  4. Assign Spago Tutorial
  5. Now, you should be able to see SpagoBI Tutorial under Project Explorer.
  6. Click Yes, to open Report Design Perspective.

Project Creation

Thanks & Regards
Venkatanaveen Dasari™


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