Software Testing What is Cross-Browser Testing? Why Do We Need to Test in Multiple Browsers? By K Ramakrishna What is Cross-Browser Testing? Why Do We Need to Test in Multiple Browsers? What is Cross-Browser Testing? Cross browser testing is one of the most important part of the software testing life cycle where, the whole software along with its...
Front End GUI Testing and Test Cases for Web based Application By K Ramakrishna What is GUI Testing and Most common GUI Test Cases for Web-based Application: There are two types of interfaces in a computer application. 1.Command Line Interface is where you type text and computer respond to that command. 2.GUI stands for Graphical...
Software Testing Jenkins By Somen Sarkar JENKINS What is..? Jenkins is a tool (web application ) that helps in continuous integration of projects. It is open source and has capability to manage any types of build software. Jenkins can be seamlessly integrated with any testing and...
Software Testing Exploratory and Adhoc Testing By K Ramakrishna What is Exploratory and Adhoc Testing? And Exploratory Verses Adhoc Testing. From the Testing side, two words: Exploratory and Adhoc are the most important and powerful words. Often most of the testers are confusing or feeling that both words are...
Software Testing How to Set Severity and Priority for a Bug By K Ramakrishna How to set Severity and Priority for a bug? Severity and Priority, these are often a confused concepts and are almost used interchangeably amongst not only test teams but also development teams. There’s a fine line between the two and...
Front End Why Browser Detection is Bad ? By Nikhilesh It is against the spirit of web standards The whole reason that web standards exist is so that we don't have to write specific code for specific environments. We should write code that adheres establishment of standards and software in...
Software Testing Selenium Automation Testing By K Ramakrishna Introduction to Selenium Automation Testing Automation testing is mostly helpful when a small change is made to the source code of the software, the tester has to manually test each and every functionality of the application, which takes lot of...
Software Testing Object Identification In Selenium By K Ramakrishna Object Identification In Selenium: Object identification is a very crucial part of any automation effort be it in QTP, selenium or any other tool for that matter. So it makes it very important for each one of the automation folks...
Front End Importance of Bug Life Cycle in Software Testing By K Ramakrishna Importance of Bug Life Cycle in Software Testing Make data easy with Helical Insight. Helical Insight is the world's best open source business intelligence tool. Introduction: Mistakes lead to the introduction of defects (also called bugs). like all human beings...
Software Testing Verification and Validation in Software Testing By K Ramakrishna Verification and Validation in Software testing Before getting into the various strategies of testing we must understand the process of verifying and validating the software code. Verification and validation is the generic name given to checking processes which ensure that the software conforms to its...
Software Testing Software Test Life Cycle By K Ramakrishna STLC (Software Test Life Cycle) Life-cycle in simple term refers to the sequence of changes from one form to other form. These changes can happen to any tangible or intangible things. Every entity has a life-cycle from its inception to...
Miscellaneous Selenium WebDriver Tutorial By admin What is Selenium? In lay mans terms, selenium is a program which we can use to automate web page related tasks by programmatically replicating the manual tasks of key presses and mouse clicks. How to use Selenium in Eclipse? For...