ETL Insert file contents into the database using Talend By Nikhilesh Insert file contents into the database using Talend There was a requirement to read a dynamically generated text file and put its contents inside the database which could be MySQL, Postgres or SQL server etc. In Talend you can't change...
Business Intelligence Using MDX Query in Pentaho CDE By Nikhilesh This blog will talk about Using MDX Query in Pentaho CDE In Layout Section: Design the layout of your Dashboard, from scratch or from a template - while defining the layout you can apply styles and add HTML elements as...
ETL ETL JOB FOR DOWNLOADING AND UNTARING TAR FILE FROM FTP By Nikhilesh ETL JOB FOR DOWNLOADING AND UNTARING TAR FILE FROM FTP 1. To Download File from FTP , we first have to create connection by providing all credentials of FTP Server (Host-URl, Username, Password, Port No and which type of...
Business Intelligence Reading multiple properties files in spring 3 web MVC By Nikhilesh Reading multiple properties files in spring 3 web MVC Spring allows us to externalize string literals in its context configuration files into external properties files, in order to separate application specific settings from framework specific configuration. Spring will...
Business Intelligence Define JNDI for Pentaho BA server 5.0 By Nikhilesh Define JNDI for Pentaho BA server 5.0 Note: For illustration, I’m showing Oracle 11g configuration. Replace the Resource name, username, password, driverClassName, and URL parameters, or any relevant connection settings. Add Driver Place appropriate driver for Oracle 11g which is...
Business Intelligence PhantomJS and its “Render” function By Shraddha Tambe PhantomJS – The Headless Webkit browser & its “Render” function In this blog, we will have a quick introduction of PhantomJS and talk about its “Screen Capture” feature to render webpages or parts of webpages into images or PDFs. PhantomJS...
Business Intelligence Generating Jaspersoft Reports in different formats using a JSON file as a Data Source By Nikhilesh This article helps the reader how to fill a report with data from a JSON data source ( Generating Jasper reports in different formats using a JSON file as a Data Source ). JSON stands for Java Script Object Notation....
Business Intelligence KPI used by E-commerce Companies in Business Intelligence By Nikhilesh Keeping a tab of KPI is a very good exercise and can help entrepreneurs in understanding the current state of business and the way forward.The general KPI used by Ecommerce companies are listed below (ofcourse there could be variations and...
Business Intelligence Working with Crosstab Component In Pentaho Report Designer By admin This blog will teach reader about Working with Crosstab Component In Pentaho Report Designer Crosstab is an experimental feature in Pentaho Report Designer . By default we can’t see crosstab component in PRD. Make data easy with Helical Insight. Helical...
Business Intelligence How to Create Reports Using Pentaho Report Designer By Nikhilesh How to create reports using Pentaho Report Designer Pentaho Business Intelligence platform provides several tools to design and deploy reports, the easiest is the Pentaho BI web reporting wizard. While this approach is useful for basic or self service reporting, for...
Business Intelligence Helical Dashboard Insight 1.0 By Nikhilesh Jaspersoft is world’s most commonly used Open Source BI software and boasts of more than 4 lakh community user. But many a times we come across situations when some kind of dynamic dashboard needs to be built, some custom input...
Business Intelligence Introduction to Abstract Factory Design Pattern By Nikhilesh Abstract factory design pattern provides an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without a specifying their concrete classes. The abstract factory design patter is very similar to factory method pattern. One difference between the two is that...