Business Intelligence BI for Healthcare By Nikhilesh BI for healthcare Healthcare organizations are going through a technology and data revolution. Pressure from a wide range of sources are forcing both providers and health plans to look at their data and technology investments in new and innovative ways...
Business Intelligence Table Expansion in Pentaho CDE By Nikhilesh Hello, we are now working on Table Expansion property of Pentaho CDE. Simple, expanding a Main Table on click and render relevant data in Any Chart / table. Make data easy with Helical Insight. Helical Insight is the world's best...
Javascript Working with joins in d3.js By Nikhilesh Working with joins in d3.js D3.js is a well known JavaScript library for creating charts and other visuals using HTML, SVG and CSS. At first you may feel over-whelmed by looking at the features it has to provide. But as...
Java Injecting javaScript into webview By Nikhilesh Injecting javaScript into webview We all know webview is used to show html content within your application.Some time we need to inject javascript into webview through native functionality of android. In this tutorial I am enabling a javascript function using...
Miscellaneous About multiple contexts of the Spring MVC Framework By Nikhilesh Spring MVC and Multiple Spring Contexts Spring framework is one of the widely used frameworks in Enterprise Java World. Using Spirng MVC requires a proper understanding of 'Contexts' of the framework. Spring has provision for defining multiple contexts in...
Business Intelligence Talend connection with SQL Server using Windows Authentication By Nikhilesh Setting up SQL Server connection using Windows Authentication with Talend Open Studio SQL Server database connection from talend is straight forward. But when the database is setup with windows authentication, the conventional method does't work. Talend is yet to find...
Business Intelligence Helical Insight Installation guide By admin Helical Insight Installation Guide Here, we are going to discuss installation process of Helical Insight. The installation process of Helical Insight is very simple, you just need to follow below-mentioned steps: STEP-1 Get or download the latest .war file of...
Business Intelligence DATA VAULT MODELING By Nikhilesh DATA VAULT MODELING Data Vault Modeling is a database modeling method that is designed to provide long-term historical storage of data coming in from multiple operational systems. It is also a method of looking at historical data that, apart from...
Business Intelligence Understanding and Usage of Mondrian By Nikhilesh This blog will be talking about the different layers of Mondrian engine, its components, introduction to ROLAP etc. Layers of a Mondrian system A Mondrian OLAP System consists of four layers; these are as follows: Presentation layer The presentation...
Databases Different types of models used by databases By nitin sahu There are a lot of databases out there in the market, lets understand the models types and the corresponding usage. Different types of models used by databases • Relational DBMS • Wide column stores • Content stores • Document stores ...
Miscellaneous Storage option in Android (Shared Preferences) By Nikhilesh Android has several option to store persistent data.Your data storage options are the following: Shared Preferences Store private primitive data in key-value pairs. Internal Storage Store private data on the device memory. External Storage Store public data on the shared...
Business Intelligence Need of BI framework / BI platform: Helical Insights By nitin sahu Business is changing very rapidly, so is their requirement and needs, organizations generally spends a lot on transactional system to help automate the key business process and spends equally on business intelligence tool to find some useful information from the...