Helical Insight Installation Guide
Here, we are going to discuss installation process of Helical Insight. The installation process of Helical Insight is very simple, you just need to follow below-mentioned steps:
Get or download the latest .war file of Helical Insight.
Copy this war file to {TOMCAT-HOME}/webapps folder. After few seconds, you can see Tomcat has created one folder with the same name of copied war file. For example, after deploying hdi.war file, hdi folder will be created at the same location.
Open {TOMCAT_HOME}/webapps/hdi/WEB-INF/classes/project.properties file with any file editor.
i) Find settingPath parameter and replace with file location of setting.xml.
settingPath ={setting.xml Location}
settingPath = C:/EFW/System/Admin/setting.xml
This parameter indicates location of setting.xml file, which comes under EFW folder. This setting.xml file contains EFW project settings.
ii) Find schedularPath parameter and replace with file location of scheduling.xml.
schedularPath = {scheduling.xml location)
schedularPath = C:/EFW/System/scheduling.xml
scheduling.xml file contains information of scheduled reports and related data.
Open {TOMCAT_HOME}/webapps/hdi/WEB-INF/classes/log4j.properties file in any file editor:
Find log4j.appender.file.File parameter, and replace with:
log4j.appender.file.File= {Location where you want to generate application logs for debugging}
Open {TOMCAT_HOME}/webapps/hdi/WEB-INF/spring-mvc-servlet.xml file with any file editor.
Configure your database to which the application (HDI) is going to store information such as user credantials. As shown in following example in the specified tag of the XML:
<bean id=”dataSource” class=”org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource” destroy-method=”close”>
<property name=”driverClassName” value=”com.mysql.jdbc.Driver”/>
<property name=”url” value=”jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/hdi”/>
<property name=”username” value=”username”/>
<property name=”password” value=”password”/>
You can also configure database connection pooling (in the same XML as mentioned above), which application is going to use for login related connections.
License Deployment:
- Get HDI License file and copy at {TOMCAT_HOME}/webapps/hdi/hdi.licence
- Tomcat user should have R/W access on the war file.
- Tomcat user should have R/W access on the HDI-SOLUTION directory (EFW).
- Tomcat user should have R/W access on the LICENSE file.
EFW-Project Deployment:
- Get EFW project from prescribed location.
- Copy EFW Folder to suitable location.
- Open setting.xml with any file editor. You can find this file at location:
- Find <efwSolution> xml tag and give location of your EFW solution folder. E.g.
Now, we are done. We have installed HDI successfully. You can access using
NOTE: Here, We assume we deployed EFW folder at location C:/EFW/
Sharad Sinha

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