Javascript Using Bootstrap Modal with ReactJS By Nikhilesh Using Bootstrap Modal with ReactJS Here we will be creating a reusable React-component for Bootstrap Modal. Setup Let’s first create a skeleton for our component. Create a file bootstrap-modal.jsx which contains the following code: var BootstrapModal = React.createClass({ displayName: "BootstrapModal",...
Data Visualization DWR By Nikhilesh DWR (DIRECT WEB REMOTING) Introduction DWR, or Direct Web Remoting, is a Java open source library that helps developers write web sites that include Ajax technology. It is a RPC library which makes it easy to call Java functions from...
Business Intelligence Installing JasperReports Server 6.0.1 with Oracle DB (in Windows) By Nikhilesh Installing JasperReports Server 6.0.1 with Oracle DB (on Windows) Pre-requisite Java JDK 1.6 or 1.7 should be installed. Create and set the JAVA_HOME system environment variable to point to the Java JDK location. Apache Tomcat 5.5, 6, or 7 should...
Business Intelligence Map Reduce In MongoDB By Nikhilesh MongoDb Map Reduce Map-reduce is a data processing paradigm for condensing large volumes of data into useful aggregated results. For map-reduce operations, MongoDB provides the map Reduce database command. The mapReduce command allows you to run map-reduce aggregation operations over a collection. The...
Business Intelligence Case Study Report On PCNI OpenHMIS Reports By Nikhilesh Case Study Report On PCNI OpenHMIS Reports Customer : Pathways Community Network institute (PCNI) Geographical Location : Atlanta, Georgia (USA) Tools Used : DB used : MySQL, Postgres, Oracle BI Tool : Jaspersoft Community Edition...
Miscellaneous Uses of Spring’s ApplicationContext While Using Reflection By Nikhilesh Uses of ApplicationContext while using reflection Generally speaking, Spring's ApplicationContext is not advised to be used in the project business logic code as it binds the code to Spring API. But, if your application is using Spring API a lot...
Business Intelligence Map Reduce in Mongo DB By admin Map Reduce in Mongo db : This Blog will teach you, how to write Map reduce in Mongo DB . Map Reduce is a concept that process large volume of data into aggregated results. To use Map Reduce Concept in...
Business Intelligence Welcome Page Customization For JasperSoft on the Basis of Roles By Sayali Mahale On Welcome page of Jaspersoft, Login is based on Some Roles assigned to particular user ,as per that we have an access on Jaspersoft. If anyone wants to create their own user with Roles, they simply do it by making...
Business Intelligence White Labeling of JasperSoft By Sayali Mahale White Labeling of Jaspersoft A white-labeling is a service produced...
Business Intelligence How to use Custom Component in Jaspersoft Studio By admin How to use Custom Component in Jaspersoft Studio: This Blog will teach you how to use Custom component in Jaspersoft studio. A Custom component allows the BI Developer to enhance the functionality of Jasperreports engine by adding some custom visualized...
Business Intelligence Case Study Report on CA Technologies By shailaja Case Study Report On CA Technologies Consumer CA Technologies Geographical Location US, India Tools Used Database : Microsoft SQL Server BI tool : Japersoft Enterprise Edition 5.6 Company Overview CA technologies, a fortune 500 company with more than 75000+...
Business Intelligence MySQL C – API Programming By Nikhilesh MySQL C - API programming MySQL is a leading open source database management system. It is a multi user, multithreaded database management system. MySQL is especially popular on the web. Basic Structure of C Programs that uses MySQL C API 1....