Business Intelligence Beginners Guide to OLTP and OLAP By Sohail Beginner's Guide to OLTP and OLAP In this blog we will be looking into the introduction of OLTP and OLAP. How it is defined and how we can relate it to real-time Firstly, OLTP stands for On-line Transaction Processing and...
Business Intelligence Data Analysis Techniques By admin Data Analysis Techniques The need and way to analyse data basically depends on the end and not on the source.That end is typically the need to perform analysis and decision making through the use of that source of data. Data...
Miscellaneous Using IFrames via Frames By Nikhilesh Using iFrames via Frames A great way to go through all the iframes on a page is by using window.frames. It returns the window itself, which is an array-like object, containing the direct sub-frames of current window. Example var frames...
Business Intelligence Brain Machine Interface By admin Brain Machine Interface Brain Machine Interface (BMI) is a domain concerning recording, interfacing and interpretation of the electroencephalogram. Electroencephalogram (EEG) is a record of the electric signal generated by the cooperative action of brain cells, or more precisely, the...
Business Intelligence Return a Cursor in Oracle Stored Procedure Using JDBC By admin How to return a cursor in oracle stored procedure using JDBC Callable Statement : Steps : #1 : Create a stored procedure : CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE getCursor( Make data easy with Helical Insight. Helical Insight is the world's best...
Business Intelligence Introduction to Drool By Sayali Mahale What is Drool? Let us consider , You have your own application and you want to manage it. So for to manage your application you can design your own business rules which get applied on application , this is which...
Software Testing Object Identification In Selenium By K Ramakrishna Object Identification In Selenium: Object identification is a very crucial part of any automation effort be it in QTP, selenium or any other tool for that matter. So it makes it very important for each one of the automation folks...
Data Visualization Types of Dimensions in Data Warehouse By Nikhilesh Types of Dimensions in Data warehouse Make data easy with Helical Insight. Helical Insight is world's best open source business intelligence tool. Click Here to Free Download What is Dimension? Dimension table contains the data about the business. The primary...
Business Intelligence Mysql Connectivity in Pentaho Schema Workbench By Nikhilesh Resolving Mysql Connectivity issue in Pentaho Schema Workbench The issues pertaining to driver and jar files is quite common in the connectivity sector. In this blog we will concentrate on how to resolve the same with MYSQL as our selected...
Business Intelligence External Authentication with Jasper Server By Shraddha Tambe External Authentication with Jasper Server Jasper Server by default uses its internal authentication process, where any users,roles, organizations created from Jasper Server reside in its internal repository. It utilizes the Spring Security architecture to allow external authentication of users. Authorization...
Java POSIX Thread Programming By admin POSIX Thread Programming What is Thread: A thread is defined as an independent stream of instructions that can be scheduled to run as such by the...
Business Intelligence Delete Duplicate Records Without Primary key By Nikhilesh Delete Duplicate Records From a Table without Primary key To find the duplicate records in the data and delete them Specifications: There is a table tbl1 with columns as follows The data is as follows: Query...