Services Exploring Cron By Somen Sarkar Exploring Cron – II In our previous blog, we have an overview of how to create a cron expression. This blog will walk you through some solid example, which will help you to get a detailed understanding of crontab (Chronos...
Databases Handling Rollback and Database Transactions in Pentaho Data Integration By Nikhilesh Handling Rollback and Database transactions in Pentaho Data Integration Make data easy with Helical Insight. Helical Insight is the world's best open source business intelligence tool. While inserting the data into the database table it often happens that when a...
ETL Collection Part-1 : Java Arrays By Nikhilesh Arrays are objects which store multiple variables of the same type, it is a collection of similar type of elements that have contiguous memory location. The length of an array is established when the array is created. After creation, its...
Databases Pay Less Tax and Save More Take Home By Nikhilesh Pay Less tax and save more take home through FSA plans (Flexible Spending Account) What are the Flex plans? Flex plans also known as flexible spending account (FSA) plans. Generally, these plans allow an employee to save more take-home amount...
Databases Use of Lateral Subqueries in PostgreSQL By Nikhilesh Use of Lateral Subqueries in PostgreSQL Lateral subqueries are subqueries appearing in FROM can be preceded by the keyword LATERAL. This allows them to reference columns provided by preceding FROM items. (Without LATERAL, each subquery is evaluated independently and so...
Business Intelligence Mondrian Cache Refresh Automation Mechanism in Pentaho BA Server By Nikhilesh REFRESH MONDRIAN CACHE ON THE BA SERVER One of the strengths of mondrian's design is that you don't need to do any processing to populate special data structures before you start running OLAP queries. More than a few people have...
Java Ways to Execute Python Code From Java By Nikhilesh There are many ways to execute Python code from with in Java. In case if your project has requirement to execute Python code from Java, here are few code samples that I have collected from Internet. Make data easy with...
Business Intelligence Converting TimestampRange to Timestamp By Nikhilesh Converting TimestampRange to Timestamp with default value expression and passing it into the Dataset Here when we are using our parameter class as with default value expression like new java.sql.Timestamp((new Date()).getYear(), (new Date()).getMonth(),1,0,0,0,0) then it will return (2016-01-01 00:00:00)...
Business Intelligence Beginner’s Guide to E.T.L (Extract, Transform and Load) – Connection Set-Up By Sohail Connection Setup for connection type: PostgreSQL [We are now setting up a connection to A database i.e if your source is a database] There are 3 ways of access provided for Connections using PostgreSQL a. Native (JBDC) b. ODBC c....
Databases Using MDM Components in Talend By Nikhilesh Using MDM Components in Talend There are basically 2 types a component can be used in Talend. 1. Built-in Built-in is giving in all the properties of a component manually yourself. Details like Server connection details, entities, elements, xpath etc.,...
ETL Basic Process of ETL By Sohail Loading Data from Source to Target Before we proceed it's important to identify the tool you might need to accomplish the process of ETL, in my case i would be using the Pentaho Data Integration Application (keep in mind irrespective...
Business Intelligence Introduction to ETL By Sohail Introduction into E.T.L (Extract, Transform and Load) This a process related to data warehousing which involves the extracting of data out of the source system/Systems and placing it into a repository or Target. Extraction Extracting the data from source systems...