Databases Get Month to Date Data using SQL By Nikhilesh Generate Month to Date Report using SQL In this blog we will learn on how to put together a SQL statement that returns the MTD value. Month-to-date (MTD) is a period, starting from the beginning of the current month and...
Front End JavaScript Timers By Nikhilesh It is well known fact that JavaScript by nature is single-threaded which says that only one part of JavaScript code executes at a time. And interesting thing about timers is, they gets executed irrespective of other threads that are already...
Databases Generate Year to Date Data in SQL By Nikhilesh Generate Year to Date Data in SQL In this blog we will learn on how to put together a SQL statement that returns the YTD value. Year-to-date (YTD) is a period, starting from the beginning of the current year (either...
Business Intelligence Guide to Slowly Changing Dimensions [Intro + Type 1] By Sohail Guide to Slowly Changing Dimensions [Intro + Type 1] Firstly what is a dimension? A dimension is a structure that categorizes facts and measures which can be used to understand business requirements. What is a Slowly Changing Dimension? A Slowly...
Business Intelligence Audit Diagnostic & Monitoring of Reports in Jasper Server Pro 6.3 By Nikhilesh •Auditing stores key events that are of interest to system administrators, such as login/logout time, user, the report generated, report details, and object sizes. The audited events can be saved and moved to an archive automatically after a specified number...
Business Intelligence Domain Security in Jasper Using Attribute Service Mechanism By admin Domain Security in Jasper using attributeService Mechanism attributeService – attributeService gets hierarchical attributes for user. From Jasper V6.0 , we can set attributes on User level , Tenant or Organization and on Server level. In addition to the attributes assigned on...
Business Intelligence Less CSS By Krupal Less is a CSS pre-processor, meaning that it extends the CSS language, adding features that allow variables, mixins, functions and many other techniques that allow us to make CSS that is more maintainable, themeable and extendable. It has also been...
Javascript Introduction to jQuery By Krupal What is jQuery? - Before, We go further let me clear the very first doubt that jQuery is not a language. jQuery is a library written on top of the JavaScript. So it is a JavaScript library. It makes web development very easy. The...
Business Intelligence Relative Date Parameters in Jasper Server – Usage with Examples By Shraddha Tambe Relative Date Parameters in Jasper Server - Usage with Examples Make data easy with Helical Insight. Helical Insight is the world's best open source business intelligence tool. This blog gives a brief introduction of how Relative Date Parameters can be...
Business Intelligence How to Write Basic MDX Query By Nikhilesh How to write basic MDX query When writing MDX queries you need to make a clear distinction between the data and metadata. Cube data is what is being presented to the users, for example you would show the sales amount...
Business Intelligence Drill Down in Same Panel in Pentaho CDE By admin Drill Down in Same Panel in Pentaho CDE First create dashboard having two three panels as in example shown below :- Make data easy with Helical Insight. Helical Insight is the world's best open source business intelligence tool. Get your...
Services Exploring Cron By Somen Sarkar Exploring Cron – II In our previous blog, we have an overview of how to create a cron expression. This blog will walk you through some solid example, which will help you to get a detailed understanding of crontab (Chronos...