Drill Down in Same Panel in Pentaho CDE

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Drill Down in Same Panel in Pentaho CDE

First create dashboard having two three panels as in example shown below :-

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In this example we are going to learn how we can drill down from bar chart in second panel to the table component in third panel with the relevant data.
On clicking any of the bar representing the categories in the bar chart in second panel, the detailed report of that department should open in the third panel in table component.
Here are the instructions to achieve the drill down of bar chart to table component:

1) Set the clickable option = ‘True’ in the properties of bar chart.
2) In the click action of bar chart write the code:


In this code we are passing value from bar chart to the table through parameter ‘department’ i.e on clicking the bar representing different department we will be getting the detailed data of that department in the table.

3) In the component layer add the component ‘simple parameter’ as department:


4) In the properties of table component add listener and parameter department respectively:



5) In the SQL query of table component add parameter in the where clause or in the way you want data to get filter on the basis of parameter used:


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6) In same window, add the parameter ‘department’.


7) Save the dashboard and click on the preview. Here you’ll be able to see the changes in table component as you click on a different department in bar chart.


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Nisha Sahu

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Render product details is the component name? Can u please share the CDE, CDA, sample file if u have?