Business Intelligence Create A Custom Table Report using Helical Insight By Sohail Create A Custom Table Report using Helical Insight (Dynamically Picking the Columns Names and Data) If you have already had a Hands-On experience on the Helical Insight Tool [HI tool] then this blog would be helpful For a creating a...
Business Intelligence Change Hive Metastore From Derby to MySQL By Nikhilesh Change Hive metastore from derby to MySQL Make data easy with Helical Insight. Helical Insight is the world's best open source business intelligence tool. Get your 30 Days Trail Version Machine : UBUNTU-14.04 | Hive : HIve 1.2.1...
Databases Foreign Data Wrappers in PostgreSQL By Nikhilesh Foreign Data Wrappers in PostgreSQL Foreign Data Wrapper (FDW) is new concept which introduced in PostgreSQL 9.1. It allows us to access external non-Postgres data in the form of regular Postgres table. FDW allow us to make external data sources (text...
Business Intelligence LATERAL JOIN By Nikhilesh LATERAL JOIN Lateral join is a very incredible feature in Postgres (Postgres 9.3+) . The LATERAL key word can precede a sub-SELECT FROM item. It allows the sub-SELECT to point to the columns of FROM items that appear before it in the FROM list. We can say...
Open Source Business Intelligence Different Ways of Implementing Loop in PDI By Nikhilesh Different ways of implementing loop in PDI We come across certain scenarios where in running of the Job/Transformation in loop becomes necessary in Pentaho. Below are the different ways of implementing the loop to the Job in PDI. 1....
Databases Groovy JsonSlurper By Somen Sarkar JSON Slurper in Groovy What is JSON slurper? JSON slurper is a class in groovy that can be used to parse text or read content into a data structure of lists and maps. In other words we can say that...
ETL ThreadLocal in Java By Somen Sarkar ThreadLocal What is ThreadLocal? There are different scope of a variable in java. 1. Local Scope : This scope includes the variable declared inside the methods. 2. Instance Scope: This scope is also known as instance variable. This is created...
Front End Dynamic Table CRUD using JTable By Somen Sarkar Dynamic Table CRUD using JTable This plugin can be used to create datatable an forms. Simple CRUD based applications can be created using the JTable. How to use JTable? 1. Create a div with id "targetContainer" where we want to...
Business Intelligence Pivot Table in Jasperstudio By admin Pivot Table in Jasperstudio Often there comes the requirement to create pivot table while creating reports in jasper. No doubt one can always use crosstab component. But sometimes crosstab doesn’t give data in required form as grouping is done on...
Front End Event Delegation By Nikhilesh First let's create HTML of an unordered list (ul). HTML <ul id="todo-app"> <li class="item">Item 1</li> <li class="item">Item 2</li> <li class="item">Item 3</li> <li class="item">Item 4</li> </ul> Event Delegation technique: Suppose if you have attached the event listener click on li...
Data Visualization Happy New Year With SVG By Somen Sarkar What is SVG 1. SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics, SVG can be used to create drawing, graphics, images etc, all by using XML elements. How to draw circle in SVG In order to draw a circle using svg...
Databases JNDI By Somen Sarkar Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) Using JNDI, applications running in distributed environment, helps to look up services independently. How JNDI is useful? During deployment sequence, the same JNDI name can be used in different servers. It helps to provide...