Business Intelligence How to use Google Maps in Jaspersoft Studio By admin How to Use Google Maps in Jaspersoft Studio The report in this example is developed on Jaspersoft Studio version: 6.3.1 final and deployed on Jaspersoft server version: 6.3.0 Enterprise edition. Make data easy with Helical Insight. Helical Insight is the...
Business Intelligence Visualize.js – Hyperlinks API By Shraddha Tambe Visualize.js – Hyperlinks In the post, we will discuss how we can handle hyperlink execution in jaspersoft reports that are embedded using visualize.js. Make data easy with Helical Insight. Helical Insight is the world's best open source business intelligence tool....
Business Intelligence How to Resolve Mixed Active Blocked Contents in Error When Configuring SSL By admin How to resolve mixed active blocked contents error when configuring SSL What is Mixed Active Blocked contents ? When anyone hits a page served over HTTP, their connection is open for eavesdropping and man-in-the-middle attacks. When a user visits a...
Front End Handlebarjs By Somen Sarkar Handlebarjs quick facts 1. Handlebar.js is a powerful templating engine based on the Mustachejs. 2. Handlebarjs can be added using the <script>// tag with local repository or using a cdn link. 3. This templating engine uses {{ }} symbol exclusively thus...
Front End Exploring JavaScript Undefined By Nikhilesh When we are working with JavaScript operators, we need to pay utmost attention on how we use them. For example let's create a simple function which takes two arguments a, b. function foo(a, b) { a = a || "value";...
Front End JavaScript Event Simulators in Selenium By Nikhilesh Each browser has their own WebDrivers. Chrome has Chrome WebDriver, Mozilla has Gecko and Internet Explorer has IE WebDriver. So why are these webdrivers used for? The answer is, if you want to automate a web application, there has to...
Business Intelligence Using Multi-Select Parameter in Jasper By Nikhilesh Using Multi-select parameter in Jasper Make data easy with Helical Insight. Helical Insight is the world's best open source business intelligence tool. Parameters can be the filter conditions which can be applied in the data-visualizations. This blog gives...
Business Intelligence Reports Sections Controlled by Input Control By admin Report’s sections controlled by input control Requirement: In this blog, I am going to discuss how we can enable/disable the different sections of the jasper report through input control. Make data easy with Helical Insight. Helical Insight is the world's...
Business Intelligence Neo4j : Graph Database By Sayali Mahale Neo4j : Graph Database Introduction NoSQL graph database Usecases : include matchmaking, network management, software analytics, scientific research, routing, organizational and project management, recommendations, social networks, and more. Neo4j implements the Property Graph Model efficiently down to the storage level....
Apache Spark MongoDB Connector for Apache Spark By Sayali Mahale MongoDB Connector for Apache Spark Spark supports connector for MongoDB , through which we can execute SQL queries on MongoDB as well as we can perform spark RDD tranformations on MongoDB data. With the connector, you have access to all...
ETL Alternative Approach of using Insert/Update Step for Upsert in PDI By Nikhilesh What is an UPSERT? UPSERT is a combination of two activities in a table i.e. Update and Insert based upon a unique key(Unique iD). A Relational database uses MERGE JOIN to perform UPSERT operation on data where it updates if...
Business Intelligence Create A Custom Table Report using Helical Insight By Sohail Create A Custom Table Report using Helical Insight (Dynamically Picking the Columns Names and Data) If you have already had a Hands-On experience on the Helical Insight Tool [HI tool] then this blog would be helpful For a creating a...