Access the Power BI Rest APIs using Postman

Posted on by By admin, in Power BI | 3

Power BI REST API provides service for embedding the reports in another application, accessing the data, create/modify the user permissions.

To use Power BI embedded analytics, you need to register an Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) application in Azure. The Azure AD app establishes permissions for Power BI REST resources, and allows access to the Power BI REST APIs.

Create an application in Azure – This application establishes permissions for Power BI Rest APIs by providing Application ID and secret keys

To create an application in Azure follow the below blog

Follow the below steps to access the Power BI Rest APIs using Postman

1. Open Postman application

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2. First we need to generate authentication token to access Rest APIs

3. Use the below URL with the POST request

4. Go to headers, enter ‘application/x-www-form-urlencoded’ as Content-Type

5. Click on body, select raw as type

6. Enter the below values in the body

&username=<Power BI Application logged-in username>
&password=<Power BI Application logged-in password>
&client_id=<application ID>
&client_secret=<application secret>

7. Enter the Power BI service user credentials, application ID and secret keys which copied in the above steps

8. Click on Send

9. Successful request will generate the response and we can see the access token in the response

10. Copy the access token

11. Click on New Request

12. We will use the an API which will give the list of reports information. Use the below API

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13. Go to Authorization, Select Bearer token as type and enter above copied access token

14. Click on send, successful request will give the response

We are able to accessing the Power BI Rest APIs using Postman, this way we can access other Power BI APIs also to get the required information

Thank You
Ramu Vudugula
BI Developer
Helical IT Solutions Pvt Ltd


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It would be good to add some detail on how to do this using SPN for cases where MFA prevents use of username and password

from where are we getting the client id and client secret ?

Many thanks for the explainations!

Is there a workaround to get the same task but with an account which needs multi-factor authentication?

Thanks again,