What is data residency in Airbyte?

Posted on by By admin, in Airbyte | 0

Data residency refers to the physical or geographic location where an organization

chooses to store or process regulated data

In some cases, data may need to be transferred from one location to another in order to comply with data localization requirements.

What is data residency in Airbyte

Currently available regions are United States and European union

Note: Data Residency is only required for Cloud Version. In the case of on-premise obviously the data is present where the customer does the deployment/installation of airbyte.

At Helical, with more than 10+ years of experience in the space of data domain, we have got extensive experience of implementing data solutions including modern data stack. We also provide consulting, implementation, maintenance and support services on top of Airbyte. Reach out to us on nikhilesh@Helicaltech.com to learn more about our services

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