Logistic regression is a fundamental and popular approach for binary classification tasks in the field of machine learning. Based on a collection of input features, it enables us to forecast the likelihood that an event will occur. We will dive into the specifics of logistic regression in this blog article, including its mathematical formulation, the training procedure, evaluation measures, and a real-world application example.
Logistic Regression: What Is It?
A logistic function, also referred to as the sigmoid function, is fitted to the data in a statistical model called logistic regression to determine the likelihood of a binary result. When the dependent variable is categorical, the generalised linear model is especially helpful. Contrary to what its name implies, logistic regression is a classification algorithm.
Mathematical Formulation:
Consider a binary classification problem where the dependant variable has two possible values, 0 and 1. The logistic or sigmoid function is used in logistic regression to calculate the likelihood that the output variable Y belongs to class 1 given a collection of input features indicated as X:
P(Y = 1|X) = 1 / (1 + e^(-z))
The linear combination of the input features and the corresponding weights is represented by the variable z in the equation below:
z = β₀ + β₁X₁ + β₂X₂ + ... + βₚ*Xₚ
Here, the weights or coefficients that logistic regression learns from the training data are β₀, β₁, β₂, …, βₚ. The influence of each attribute on the anticipated probability is determined by these coefficients.
Training the Logistic Regression Model:
The dependent variable’s values for each input feature set must be known in order to train a logistic regression model. To do this, we need labelled training data. The goal of the model is to choose the best combination of weights to reduce the discrepancy between the anticipated probability and the actual labels.
Typically, in the optimisation process, the difference between the projected probabilities and the actual labels is measured using a cost function, such as the cross-entropy loss. To reduce the cost function, the model iteratively modifies the weights using methods like gradient descent or other optimisation algorithms.
In order to discover the weights that best suit the data during training, the model iteratively updates them, shifting them in the direction that minimises error. The learning rate, which controls the step size in each iteration, is key to the algorithm’s convergence. A model may take longer to converge if the learning rate is too low, whereas overshooting and instability may result from a high learning rate.
Evaluation Metrics:
After the logistic regression model has been trained, it is critical to analyse its performance in order to determine how effectively it generalises to new data. There are numerous evaluation metrics available, such as:
1. Accuracy: Measures the proportion of correctly classified instances out of the total.
2. Precision: The number of true positive predictions divided by the total number of positive predictions, indicating the model’s ability to avoid false positives.
3. Recall (Sensitivity): The number of true positive predictions divided by the total number of actual positive instances, reflecting the model’s ability to detect all positive instances.
4. F1-score: A harmonic mean of precision and recall, providing a balanced measure of the model’s performance.
In conclusion, the powerful algorithm for binary classification jobs is logistic regression. It offers important insights into the chance of an event occurring by calculating the probability of a binary outcome based on input features. With a firm grasp of logistic regression, you may use this adaptable approach to address a variety of classification issues in a number of different fields.
Bear in mind that there are numerous more algorithms accessible in the large field of machine learning, including logistic regression. The best algorithm to use will rely on the details of the current issue and the data’s properties. As a fundamental building piece, logistic regression provides the path for more sophisticated categorization methods.
Thank You
Utkarsh Soni
Helical IT Solutions

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