Talend Studio for Cloud

Posted on by By admin, in Talend | 0

Installation of Talend Cloud

  1. Unzip the Talend archive file downloaded.
  2. Launch the Talend Studio by double clicking the executable file and accepting the terms of license agreement.
  3. On launching the studio, Select the server URL based on the region to fetch the license from Talend Management Console.
  4. Provide the Login name and password and click on Fetch.
  5. Talend Studio Cloud

  6. Click on manage connections and create a connection.
  7. Example : Creating a local connection by selecting the Repository as Local, appropriate name, description, Email and Workspace and click OK.

    Talend Studio Cloud

  8. Create a new project(Eg : tCloud_demo) and click finish.

Talend Studio Cloud

Connecting Talend Studio to Talend Cloud

The jobs developed in Talend Studio can be published to cloud right away.

Step 1 : In the studio menu click Windows>Preferences

Step 2 : Select Talend>Talend Cloud

Step 3 : Select the authentication mode as Login and Password or Access

Token(Login and password in this example) and click on Test Connection to check if it is accessible.

Talend Studio Cloud

Note : By default Accelerate publish check box is enable in Advanced.

Step 4 : Publish job to cloud

Right click on the job and select publish to cloud to publish the job to Talend Cloud.

Talend Studio Cloud

Step 5 : Select the workspace an click on Finish.

Talend Studio Cloud

Talend Studio Cloud

  1. To check the job that was published to cloud from the studio, click on MANAGEMENT in management console. The jobs published can be seen as Artifacts and jobs that got executed can be seen as Tasks
  2. Talend Studio Cloud

  3. Click on Artifacts to check if the job got published into the cloud.
  4. Talend Studio Cloud

  5. As we can see, there are two Artifacts in the console. sample_job that got published from the Talend Studio

G R Rajitha
ETL Developer
Helical IT Solutions Pvt Ltd.


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