Splitting a Detail Band into 2 Columns or More in Jasper

Posted on by By Satya Gopi, in Jaspersoft | 0

Prerequisites: JasperServer 6.4.2,Jasper Studio

Databases: Foodmart

Recently we have come across one requirement like one table has 2 columns and in the report itself we have lots of empty space, to eliminate that empty space we have printed the table’s side by side in place of the page by page.

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Let’s see how we can able to print the Tableside by side by using Detail band


Step 1: Created a sample report which has only 2 columns and deployed to jasper server and the output is as above

Step 2: To print table component side by side ,we need to place this component in detail band then only it would possible

Step 3: If main query returns 1 single row then no issues, if main query returns more than 1 row then table is print that much of time because we have placed in detailed band ,to eliminate multiple times printing ,I am restricting detail band to print only 1 time by giving below property in Print when expression



Step 4: To get the Table side by side ,just change the below property ,we can increase the value as per our wish

Columns = 2

Step 5: The Report design will looks like below ,with 2 separations


Step 6: Run the Report and output looks as follows:

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