Setting the SMTP configuration for MS Office Outlook in Jasper Server

Posted on by By admin, in Jaspersoft | 2

In Jasper we have functionality to distribute the reports to the Users, to do this we need to configure email server details.

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Here we are updating the configuration for Microsoft Office Outlook account as email server. To use the MS outlook account we need to do two more configuration changes in application files.

Follow the below steps for setting the STMP details in Jasper Server

  1. Go to the below location in Jasper installation
    < JASPERSERVER_PATH >\apache-tomcat\webapps\jasperserver-pro\WEB-INF
  2. Open file and update the following properties< MAIL_HOST >
    report.scheduler.mail.sender.username=< MAIL_USER >
    report.scheduler.mail.sender.password=< MAIL_PWD >
    report.scheduler.mail.sender.from=< MAIL_FROM >
    report.scheduler.mail.sender.port=< MAIL_PORT >
  3. Open applicationContext.xml file and update the following properties for the property ‘javaMailProperties’ under the bean id ‘mailSenderService’
    < property name="javaMailProperties">
    < props >
              < prop key="mail.smtp.auth" >true< / prop>
              < prop key="mail.smtp.sendpartial" >true< / prop>
              < prop key="mail.smtp.starttls.enable" >true< / prop >
    < / props >
    < / property >
  4. Open applicationContext-report-scheduling.xml file and update the following properties for the property ‘javaMailProperties’ under the bean id ‘reportSchedulerMailSender’
    < property name="javaMailProperties" >
    < props >
          < prop key="mail.smtp.sendpartial" >true< / prop>
          < prop key="mail.smtp.auth" >true< / prop>
          < prop key="mail.smtp.starttls.enable" >true< / prop>
    < / props>
    < / property >

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  5. Restart the server
  6. Schedule a report from the Jasper server
  7. You should receive an email

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Helical IT Solutions Pvt Ltd


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Thank You for the solution it really works

It didn’t work ln my end, logs message shows that the server is able to connect to the email host “” but “Failed to meet the criteria”. Please advice.