Restrict Menu Items by Role in Jasper Server

Posted on by By Nikhilesh, in Business Intelligence, Jaspersoft, Open Source Business Intelligence | 0

Restrict Menu Items by Role in Jasper Server

We can use role-based customizations to control access to menus. The example here shows how to control access to menu items.

In this example scenario, we wish to hide Create Report, Dashboard, Domain & Data Source from roles other then ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR and ROLE_HRIS. So, these menu items would only be accessible to ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR and ROLE_HRIS.


  • Edit the file <js-webapp>/WEB-INF/actionModel-navigation.xml. The actionModel for Create > Ad Hoc View is near the end of the file.
 <context name="main_create_mutton" test="isProVersion">
  <condition test="!banUserRole">
    <condition test="!isMainFeaturesDisabled">
        <selectAction labelKey="NAV_005_CREATE">
            <condition test="isAvailableProFeature" testArgs="AHD">
                <option labelKey="NAV_051_ADHOC_REPORT" action="primaryNavModule.navigationOption"
                <condition test="checkAuthenticationRoles" testArgs="ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR,ROLE_HRIS|organization_1">
                <option labelKey="NAV_057_REPORT" action="JRS.CreateReport.selectADV"
            <condition test="isSupportedDevice">
                <condition test="isAvailableProFeature" testArgs="DB">
                <condition test="checkAuthenticationRoles" testArgs="ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR,ROLE_HRIS|organization_1">
                    <option labelKey="NAV_050_DASHBOARD" action="primaryNavModule.navigationOption"
                <condition test="isAvailableProFeature" testArgs="AHD">
                    <condition test="checkAuthenticationRoles" testArgs="ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR,ROLE_HRIS|organization_1">
                        <option labelKey="NAV_056_DOMAIN" action="primaryNavModule.navigationOption"
                        <option labelKey="NAV_058_DATA_SOURCE" action="primaryNavModule.navigationOption"

  • Save the file after making changes.
  • Restart Jasper server.
  • Login as user with role other than ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR and ROLE_HRIS. You can see that the menu item to Create Report, Dashboard, Domain & Data Source is removed, and user can only see Create Ad-hoc view as menu item. Log out and log back in as admin or HRIS user. All menu items are visible to administrators and HRIS user.


In commercial editions, you must specify the role’s organization ID when restricting access to roles defined in an organization. There are three ways to specify a role in the commercial edition:

  • ORG_ROLE|orgID – Explicitly specify a role belonging to an organization
  • ORG_ROLE|* – Match the role name in any organization in the user’s scope (parent organizations and root).
  • SYSTEM_ROLE – Explicitly specify a role defined at the root or system level, such as ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR.

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