Regular Expression

Posted on by By Somen Sarkar, in Javascript | 0

Regular Expression in Java

Regular Expression or popularly known as Regex is a powerful features and help developers in many ways.
The following are some special characters with their behaviour

. Match any character except newline

\w Match any alphanumeric character

\s Match any whitespace character

\d Match any digit

\b Match the beginning or end of a word

^ Match the beginning of the string

$ Match the end of the string


* Repeat any number of times

+ Repeat one or more times

? Repeat zero or one time

{n} Repeat n times

{n,m} Repeat at least n, but no more than m times

{n,} Repeat at least n times


\W Match any character that is NOT alphanumeric

\S Match any character that is NOT whitespace

\D Match any character that is NOT a digit

\B Match a position that is NOT the beginning or end of a word

[^x] Match any character that is NOT x

[^aeiou] Match any character that is NOT one of the characters aeiou

Construct Matches

[abc] Matches a, or b or c. This is called a simple class, and it matches any of the characters in the class.
[^abc] Matches any character except a, b, and c. This is a negation.
[a-zA-Z] Matches any character from a to z, or A to Z, including a, A, z and Z. This called a range.
[a-d[m-p]] Matches any character from a to d, or from m to p. This is called a union.
[a-z&&[def]] Matches d, e, or f. This is called an intersection (here between the range a-z and the characters def).
[a-z&&[^bc]] Matches all characters from a to z except b and c. This is called a subtraction.
[a-z&&[^m-p]] Matches all characters from a to z except the characters from m to p. This is also called a subtraction.


1. Username Regular Expression Pattern

2. Password Regular Expression Pattern
(?=.*\d) # should have one digit from 0-9
(?=.*[a-z]) # should have one lowercase characters
(?=.*[A-Z]) # should have one uppercase characters
(?=.*[@#$%]) # should have one special symbols in the list "@#$%"
. # match anything with previous condition checking
{6,20} # length at least 6 characters and maximum of 20

3. Email Regular Expression Pattern

4 Image File Extension Regular Expression Pattern

5.Time in 24-Hour Format Regular Expression Pattern

6. Date Format (dd/mm/yyyy) Regular Expression Pattern

Reference- internet


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