Materialization in dbt

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Materializations, which determine how dbt stores and manages the results of your SQL transformations. Here lets look into ephemeral views and materialized views.

Ephemeral Views:


Ephemeral views are temporary, on-the-fly representations of your transformed data. When using ephemeral materialization, dbt doesn’t persist the results to a physical table. Instead, it treats the transformation as a subquery, executing the SQL code dynamically whenever needed.

— Example of an ephemeral view

WITH transformed_data AS (
COUNT(*) AS transaction_count
  FROM raw_data
  GROUP BY user_id
FROM transformed_data;

Materialized Views:


Materialized views, on the other hand, involve persisting the results of your transformations as physical tables in your database. This allows dbt to store the computed values, making them readily available for faster querying.

— Example of a materialized view

WITH transformed_data AS (
COUNT(*) AS transaction_count
  FROM raw_data
  GROUP BY user_id
FROM transformed_data
-- Materialize the results as a physical table named 'user_summary'
{% materialized %}

Choosing the Right Materialization:

Ephemeral for Flexibility:

Use ephemeral views when flexibility and real-time access to the latest data are paramount. It’s suitable for exploration, iterative analysis, or scenarios where the underlying data frequently changes.

Materialized for Performance:

Choose materialized views when optimizing query performance and ensuring consistent reporting are critical. Materializations are particularly effective for large datasets and complex transformations.

We at Helical have more than 10 years of experience in providing solutions and services in the domain of data and have served more than 85+ clients. We are also DBT partners, hence in case if you are looking for certain assistance, consulting, services please do reach out on

Thank You
Nikitha Rastapuram
Helical IT Solutions

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