How to Make Label Wrapping for Pie Chart in Jasper Reports

Posted on by By admin, in Jaspersoft | 0

Prerequisites: Jasper Studio 6.4.0
Database: foodmart

In this blog we will discuss how to wrapping the label text for HTML5 pie chart in Jasper reports.

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Step 1: Create a Report with sample hard-coded data with long text.

Step 2: Add Summary band in the report.

Step 3: From the Palette tab drag and drop Pie chart element.

Step 4: Double click on the pie chart, in the label expression give the label name and in the value expression give the value either it could be sum or count.

Step 5: Now run the report in the studio using Preview button, Then the label text has crossed the plot border as shown below.

Step 6: So we will avoid the below problem using below properties.

  1. Right Click on the chart -> Click on Edit Chart Properties
  2. Click on Advanced Properties button
  3. Click on Add button add below the property
Property name :    
   		Property Value : 130
Styles for the label. Defaults to {"color": "#606060", "fontSize": "11px"}.
Property Name : plotOptions.pie.dataLabels.x
    		Property Value : 3

Step 7: Run the report and see the output.

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