Use Lookup and For-Each activity and Iterate the SQL Procedure Activity in Pipeline in Azure Data Factory

Posted on by By Ramu Vudugula, in Open Source Business Intelligence | 1

Requirement: I have a SQL procedure which has the input parameters and I have SQL view which has few numbers of rows. How can I run the stored procedure for each value in that SQL view from the pipeline in Azure Data Factory

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  1. Create procedure in a SQL database with input parameter
  2. create procedure

  3. SQL view present in SQL server
  4. SQL query

  5. Log into azure portal and click on existed or new data factory. Next click on Author & Monitor
  6. New window will open, click on Create Pipeline. Enter the name of the pipeline
  7. create pipeline

  8. On the left side, we had list of resources like pipelines, datasets and dataflows. Click on dataset and click on right ellipses and click on new dataset
  9. New tab will be opened. Search for the SQL server, select that and click on Continue
  10. Enter the name and Select Linked service which is having connection to source SQL server
  11. Select the table and click Ok and then publish this dataset.
  12. publish dataset

  13. Click on Connection and select the Preview data. Here we can see that it fetched all the records from the view
  14. connection

  15. Now go to the pipeline. Search Lookup activity and drag it into the editor
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  17. Enter the name, click on Settings tab and select the dataset created in above steps. Click on preview data to see the data
  18. Settings

  19. On the Activities tab, search ForEach activity and drag it into the editor. Add the connection from Lookup to ForEach
  20. Enter the name, click on Settings tab. Enable Sequential property as true which means process will one for one value at a time. In Items enter value as “@activity(‘Lookup’).output.value”. It means that output value from Lookup activity will be passed to ForEach activity
  21. sequential property

  22. Now click on Activities(0) tab and add activity. Drag stored procedure activity to editor
  23. editor

  24. Click on Stored Procedure. Enter name and click on SQL Account
  25. Here we have to select the SQL datasource which we created using Gateway to connect on-premises SQL server. Click on test connection
  26. test connection

  27. Click on Stored Procedure tab
  28. stored procedure

  29. Click on the select dropdown of Stored procedure name and select the procedure which we created in first step
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  31. Next click on Import Parameter. It will import the parameter of that SQL procedure
  32. parameter

  33. In the above image we can see that parameter got imported. Click on Value input and here there is an option to enter dynamic content. Click on Add Dynamic Content. It will open a new window
  34. dynamic content

  35. Here we have pre-defined system variables, functions and parameters. Enter the output from ForEach acitivity. @item() will return a single item at a time from the ForEach activity and ProcedureName is the column name from the SQL view
  36. pre-defined variables

  37. Click on Finish and parameter will be added as a value to the Store procedure
  38. finish

  39. Save the pipeline and Execute the pipeline
  40. Lookup and ForEach activity will be executed once and Stored Procedure activity will be executed three times as we have three rows in SQL view
  41. Output

In case if you have any queries please get us at

Thank You
Ramu Vudugula
BI Developer
Helical IT Solutions Pvt Ltd


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Facing below issue while executing same SP mentioned in this blog
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Parse error at line: 4, column: 2: Incorrect syntax near ‘EXECUTE’.